Theoretical question about importing from Excel using SSIS

  • Jeff Moden (6/18/2008)

    GSquared (6/17/2008)

    Matt Miller (6/17/2008)

    I've done something like that with DTS a few times. For better or worse - I found it easier to have DTS handle the importing of a single file, and something external (like a .net console) handle the looping (so the console app finds the files you need to call the DTS on, and performs multiple calls to the DTS package once per file it finds).

    Yeah, that was my experience too. SSIS made this kind of thing a whole lot better.

    You guys should team up and write an article on it...

    Once I get through this project getting finished and me getting another gig to replace it, I might consider that.....

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • I think I might be in love with SQL Server Agent. 😀

    What used to take one of my colleagues a full day of work - keying in sales figures, manually running reports and them e-mailing them all out to everyone - is now fully automated. SSIS is grabbing the spreadsheets, looping through and reading them all, writing the relevant data to a temp table and then SQL Server kicks in and puts the data where it's supposed to go. Finally, SRS subscriptions take over, the reports get run in the background, and automatically e-mailed out to their mailing lists.

    It's a thing of beauty. Mind you, I've also reduced the need for a member of staff. Ooops!

  • Don't think of it as eliminating the need for a co-worker. Think of it as freeing up your co-worker from mindless drudgework so he/she can do something that people are better at than computers. Oh, and more importantly, convince management that this is what you've done!

    (My philosophy is people should do things that require judgement, aesthetics, communication skills, etc., while computers should do things that are repetitive, mathematical or just plain boring.)

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • To be fair, the person who was doing the mindless drudgework recently left the company (I suspect the leaving might be connected to the drudgery!), which is why the question of "can this be automated?" was asked. 😀

    Otherwise, I might feel a little guilty right now!

  • How about a completely different solution!

    Use SQL Compact with the Access front end. Synch the databases whenever possible. Just a thought =)

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