"The page must be viewed over a secure channel"

  • Hi,

    Whilst attempting to view my SSRS reports using the following address; -

    http://my server/Reports/Pages/Folder.aspx?ItemPath=%2feBuild&ViewMode=List

    I came across the following error; -

    "The page must be viewed over a secure channel

    The page you are trying to access is secured with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).


    Please try the following:

    •Type https:// at the beginning of the address you are attempting to reach and press ENTER.

    HTTP Error 403.4 - Forbidden: SSL is required to view this resource.

    Internet Information Services (IIS)


    Technical Information (for support personnel)

    •Go to Microsoft Product Support Services and perform a title search for the words HTTP and 403.

    •Open IIS Help, which is accessible in IIS Manager (inetmgr), and search for topics titled About Security, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), and About Custom Error Messages. "

    Previously I could access the reports were fine. Obviously something has changed please can someone tell me what and how I can fix the problem.

    Kind Regards,


  • Your web site has been changed to require a secure channel. The following steps will allow non-secure (http) connections to your site:

    Within Microsoft Internet Information Server, right click on your web site select properties. Click on the Directory Security tab, under Secure Communications, click on Edit.

    Un-check the box that says 'Require Secure Channel'

  • OK, thank you.


  • You're welcome, glad I could help.

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