The Microsoft Sideshow

  • chrisn-585491 (2/27/2013)

    As a developer, Microsoft has been really missing the mark. Abandoning technology they were marketing, putting a phone/web interface on the desktop, sending mix signals about OSS, etc...

    I think it's more they keep trying things, throwing them at the wall, seeing what might stick and abandoning other items. It almost feels like they are letting every fifth developer try something, market it, and then give up when it doesn't work quickly enough.

  • Being serious about this, it's not like the first time Microsoft has flailed around trying to find the current zeitgeist in order to follow it and then dominate it--remember their disastrous Internet strategy back in 1994 or thereabouts? That time they managed to do a handbrake turn and get with the flow before they were swept away (and yes, if I mix any more metaphors this post is likely to explode), but it seems they're not as nimble or as well managed now as they were then.

  • paul.knibbs (2/27/2013)

    Being serious about this, it's not like the first time Microsoft has flailed around trying to find the current zeitgeist in order to follow it and then dominate it--remember their disastrous Internet strategy back in 1994 or thereabouts? That time they managed to do a handbrake turn and get with the flow before they were swept away (and yes, if I mix any more metaphors this post is likely to explode), but it seems they're not as nimble or as well managed now as they were then.

    I remember that. They dismissed the Internet and then brought out "Blackbird", which I think was VS 1.0 and quickly moved in that direction.

  • Now if they'd just get rid of the sideshow of "R2" naming...

    Please please please get rid of that sideshow.:cool:

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Are we really going to replace Desktops with Tablets ? I think of the millions of workers using Keyboards as their interface to the Business world and their ability to flick between Windows Applications. Who wants a Touchscreen Keyboard that uses your Screen Real Estate.

    I see Microsoft as being Evolutionary rather than Revolutionary. All that they're doing at the moment is offering a Touchscreen Windows i.e. a Decent One. Windows 8 is basically use the Touch if that's what you want or drop into Windows 7 if that's what you want.

    They're not removing anything only adding to it.

    Google is the one to watch. I see Apple going backwards like last time Steve Jobs withdrew only this time he's not coming back.


  • David Conn (3/8/2013)

    I see Microsoft as being Evolutionary rather than Revolutionary. All that they're doing at the moment is offering a Touchscreen Windows i.e. a Decent One. Windows 8 is basically use the Touch if that's what you want or drop into Windows 7 if that's what you want.

    They're not removing anything only adding to it.

    What about the Start bar when you get to the desktop view? 😛

    Essentially, if you were to accidentally delete a shortcut off your desktop, there is now easy way to get it back.

    Jim P.

    A little bit of this and a little byte of that can cause bloatware.

  • It's an evolutionary change, but it's a substantial one. Look beyond what Win 8 does with the desktop, because so few apps take advantage of the interface. It's changing to a one app at a time on the screen, which I'm not sure is great, though you can somehow get two split on the screen on the Surface tablets. I haven't tried that on the desktop.

    However Win 8 is more revolutionary. If you look at Android, it basically copied iOS and then improved and added things. In many ways, I think Android 4.1 is far beyond iOS6 and introduces ergonomic changes that are not only smooth, but very helpful. However WP8 is a dramatic change in how things work. It's a completely new way of looking at an interface.

    It's not that tablets replace desktops, but that they are a new way of doing some work. There are lots of people that can do most, if not all, of their work on a tablet. There are tons of people using tablets with keyboards, which is different than using a laptop. I'm not one of them; I prefer my laptop or my phone instead.

    However the introduction of tablets and the ability to move from a tablet to a desktop and back, doing the same work, is important. Tablets work better than phones for lots of situations. I don't know that I would use one, but I also don't think it's a simple yes or no for the way the format, and the OS, works. Personally I think the OS is becoming less of a big deal, and therefore I don't understand the MS insistence of making the same OS work on both. I'd like to see OS's optimized for each format, and my apps and data slowing smoothly across either.

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