The Ebb and Flow of Community

  • I have a question for the frequent posters? Do you spend you employer's time answering questions here or are you doing it on your own time. If on your employer's time, do they know you're doing it and do they mind that you do it?

    I marvel at the way you frequent posters have the time to jump right in any time of the day. And, I thank you for that. You have my deepest gratitude. I've learned much already and will be able to start answering some day.

    I also like the QOD. It has caused me to research answers. Although I may not use something immediately, it has led me to other answers I was looking for.

  • skjoldtc (12/2/2008)

    I have a question for the frequent posters? Do you spend you employer's time answering questions here or are you doing it on your own time. If on your employer's time, do they know you're doing it and do they mind that you do it?

    I marvel at the way you frequent posters have the time to jump right in any time of the day. And, I thank you for that. You have my deepest gratitude. I've learned much already and will be able to start answering some day.

    I also like the QOD. It has caused me to research answers. Although I may not use something immediately, it has led me to other answers I was looking for.

    I do a combination. I don't hide it from my employer and when I am stuck during the day or instead of going to get some more coffee I take a chance to answer some questions. I also do some at night after the kids have gone to bed.

  • skjoldtc (12/2/2008)

    I have a question for the frequent posters? Do you spend you employer's time answering questions here or are you doing it on your own time. If on your employer's time, do they know you're doing it and do they mind that you do it?

    I marvel at the way you frequent posters have the time to jump right in any time of the day. And, I thank you for that. You have my deepest gratitude. I've learned much already and will be able to start answering some day.

    I also like the QOD. It has caused me to research answers. Although I may not use something immediately, it has led me to other answers I was looking for.

    Like Jack, it is both. As long as I am getting my job done, my boss doesn't have a problem with it. Plus, I also use this site on those occasions I also need help. There have even been times someone else has posted a question on how to do something that helped me immediately on a project I was working on as well.

  • skjoldtc (12/2/2008)

    I have a question for the frequent posters? Do you spend you employer's time answering questions here or are you doing it on your own time. If on your employer's time, do they know you're doing it and do they mind that you do it?

    At the moment, I'm a consultant. Hence, as long as the work gets delivered on time and up to expectations, no one cares how much I post on forums. My posting rate will vary based on how busy I am and where I am.

    When I used to work for the bank, not only did I have my boss's permission to spend time on the forums (within reason), but he expected me to. He (very nice boss) saw that it was in his best interest for me to be constantly polishing my SQL skills and by doing it here meant I was less likely to ask him for expensive training courses

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • skjoldtc (12/2/2008)

    I have a question for the frequent posters? Do you spend you employer's time answering questions here or are you doing it on your own time. If on your employer's time, do they know you're doing it and do they mind that you do it?

    I marvel at the way you frequent posters have the time to jump right in any time of the day. And, I thank you for that. You have my deepest gratitude. I've learned much already and will be able to start answering some day.

    I also like the QOD. It has caused me to research answers. Although I may not use something immediately, it has led me to other answers I was looking for.

    Just like Jack, Lynn and Gail I use a mix.

    In some cases, in stead of having a smoke (I don't), I browse the forum.

    But in many cases, I end up overhere, searching for solutions to problems or request from my SQL devs or other users.

    Some times you give, many times you get.


    Learn to play, play to learn !

    Dont drive faster than your guardian angel can fly ...
    but keeping both feet on the ground wont get you anywhere :w00t:

    - How to post Performance Problems
    - How to post data/code to get the best help[/url]

    - How to prevent a sore throat after hours of presenting ppt

    press F1 for solution, press shift+F1 for urgent solution 😀

    Need a bit of Powershell? How about this

    Who am I ? Sometimes this is me but most of the time this is me

  • skjoldtc (12/2/2008)

    I have a question for the frequent posters? Do you spend you employer's time answering questions here or are you doing it on your own time. If on your employer's time, do they know you're doing it and do they mind that you do it?

    I marvel at the way you frequent posters have the time to jump right in any time of the day. And, I thank you for that. You have my deepest gratitude. I've learned much already and will be able to start answering some day.

    I also like the QOD. It has caused me to research answers. Although I may not use something immediately, it has led me to other answers I was looking for.

    I'm more or less like the others. It's both, my time and the company's. My boss is fully aware of it, but he sees it for what it is. I'm developing my skills and I'm bringing that right back into the company. As long as I deliver the things I'm supposed to in a timely manner, I've got a degree of flexibility.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • same here. i would add that it is hard to define the difference between "company time" and "my time", as I am expected to be available at all hours anyway. So, you could ask "do you do it while in the office", and the answer would be "yes".

    wait, that doesn't sound right.


  • My employer does not mind that I spend time on SQL Server Central because I learn things from this web site and I consider this web site is work related especially when I have a problem, I post on this website. It is better than some of my co-workers spending time on ESPN, EBAY or work unrelated websites.

  • ALZDBA (12/3/2008)

    Some times you give, many times you get.

    And you get even when you give, as it polishes oneself. In fact, I'd say you get far more from giving than when riding along sampling what is to get.

    This is not the same, however, as not listening and only speaking. I am referring to the type of giving that causes you effort of some sort.

  • We have an internal Knowledge Base. Almost all of the entries concerning SQL came from me. More than half have some link to something I found here. Usually I cite more than one authority though.

    I had seen the topic "Common Table Expressions" in BOL. Never even bothered to open it. Then I saw something here about CTEs solving hierarchal problems. The writer said that they could be used for more than that. We had an issue where an item could be held, then released, then deleted, then recovered, then held, then deleted again, then recovered again, and finally dispatched. The deleted report need to show only the last time the item was deleted and who by. The tables are fairly normalized so only the user id is in the transaction. CTE to the rescue. I use the same CTE to determine which items are on the report (qualified items might not currently be deleted) and to join to get the user name. This one trick saved us way more development hours than I have spent here in months.

    There investment in my being here has paid off. I can back it up. It's free education. Go talk to your accountant and see if they can take your billing rate off, hour for hour, as training expense. :rolleyes: Hey, everybody is looking for something at years end.

    ATBCharles Kincaid

  • Well, this is my job, but when it wasn't a full-time gig, I did a mix as well. I asked me current boss when we started the site, both to answer questions and write articles. It was somewhat of a selling job since I explained I'm learning while I'm doing this, my sig has the company name, etc. and it wasn't a problem.

    In two jobs since then, I told them I answer questions and write articles in the interview. Never was an issue.

  • skjoldtc (12/2/2008)

    I have a question for the frequent posters? Do you spend you employer's time answering questions here or are you doing it on your own time. If on your employer's time, do they know you're doing it and do they mind that you do it?

    I marvel at the way you frequent posters have the time to jump right in any time of the day. And, I thank you for that. You have my deepest gratitude. I've learned much already and will be able to start answering some day.

    I also like the QOD. It has caused me to research answers. Although I may not use something immediately, it has led me to other answers I was looking for.

    At work and at home, for me. My employer knows that I spend some time on this site, and is happy with that, because it increases my knowledge and skill, which is valuable to them.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

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