The Coping Thread

  • My wife and I have a fairly common routine that helps us and apparently helps some neighbors also.  We've been retired for about 12 years.  About six years ago we relocated to a new 'subdivision' where we had all new neighbors to get to know.  Most of them are still employed so are away most of the day.

    We have for a number of years had a practice we refer to as 'merlot time'.  It began as our time after work to sit, relax, share a glass of wine and talk.  When we moved in here, our house was pretty stark and impersonal with little to encourage outdoor activities.  The first things we did were to add a large rear deck and a large front patio.  As we began our daily ritual, it did not take long before neighbors were regularly showing up after work to sit and visit with us.

    Now I make regular trips out to get red and white wine, coke and beer by the case and various smoked sausage, crackers and cheeses to have on hand for these sessions.   Folks out pushing strollers and walking their dogs feel free to bring along their contributions, stop in and sit a while.   We are no longer strangers in the 'hood.


    One of the best days of my IT career was the day I told my boss if the problem was so simple he should go fix it himself.

  • Working from home can seem like there is no clear divide from home life, one of my colleagues shared that at the end of her working day, she dramatically walks out of the room she's working in, puts her shoes on and leaves the house.  Sometimes she goes for a long walk, but she always goes out even if she just walks around the block and then arrives home.

    The dramatic leaving of the room is to make a distinction between stopping for lunch or a tea/coffee break.  The leaving the house and coming back creates a clear divide and gives her time to decompress.

  • Hang in there, folks.  It is truly worth it when you have earned your freedom.  Keep looking ahead and anticipating your future.


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by  skeleton567.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by  skeleton567.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by  skeleton567.


    One of the best days of my IT career was the day I told my boss if the problem was so simple he should go fix it himself.

  • I have a home office, and I'm in and out regularly, but I do make it a point often to not go in there unless I need something or I'm doing some work. I also like walking out at the end of the day, though for me the decompression is often either heading to the gym or starting to cook.

  • michael.cole 47030 wrote:

    One rather weird one that I have found now that I am working from home is that every morning when I get up, I go and open all the blinds and curtains in the house, even in the rooms I normally don't go into, and then every evening after finishing work, I go and close them all again.  When I was going to the office, I might open the bedroom curtains, but everything else stayed closed - I wasn't there and it was easier and quicker to ignore them.

    For some reason, having the house filled with daylight rather than artificial light just makes it seem more of a, "you should be working now" type situation.  Minor and weird, I know, but it just seems to make a difference.

    We love cheerful daylight, and keep our blinds open except when the sun gets too hot.  Neighbors told us the previous owner was weird keeping the blinds closed, and heavy 'funeral parlor' style curtains all around.  We added four large windows when we moved in.  Sitting at my desk playing with my computer and data, I can 'supervise' six large back yards, watch the kids and puppies, and see everyone doing tasks after work that I did in the cooler morning hours.

    We have to close some blinds at night because the master bedroom and bath are right behind the front patio, so anyone can walk up and look in.  Another way the previous owner was weird.


    One of the best days of my IT career was the day I told my boss if the problem was so simple he should go fix it himself.

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