The conversion of a nvarchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value

  • Im using this syntax to get a value but it gives me a error in visual studio:

    The conversion of a nvarchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value

    Syntax im using in visual studio:

    select h.branch_n, type_n, count(incident_id) as x

    from incident as a

    join sectn_dept as c

    on a.sectn_dept_id = c.sectn_dept_id

    join inc_cat

    on a.inc_cat_id = inc_cat.inc_cat_id

    join cat_proces_mngt

    on a.inc_cat_id = cat_proces_mngt.inc_cat_id

    join time

    on a.date_logged1 = time.pk_date

    join sectn as g

    on c.sectn_id = g.sectn_id

    join branch as h

    on g.branch_id = h.branch_id

    where exists (

    select f.branch_n, count(*) as y from incident as b

    join sectn_dept as d

    on b.sectn_dept_id = d.sectn_dept_id

    join inc_cat

    on b.inc_cat_id = inc_cat.inc_cat_id

    join cat_proces_mngt

    on b.inc_cat_id = cat_proces_mngt.inc_cat_id

    join sectn as e

    on d.sectn_id = e.sectn_id

    join branch as f

    on e.branch_id = f.branch_id

    where c.sectn_n = d.sectn_n

    and date_logged1 >= @week and date_logged1 < dateadd(week, 1, @week1)

    and location_id = 2 and type_id in (1,2,3)

    and week >= @week

    group by f.branch_n

    having count(*) > 10 and count(*) <= 30)

    and date_logged1 >= @week and date_logged1 < dateadd(week, 1, @week1)

    and location_id = 2 and type_id in (1,2,3)

    and week >= @week

    group by h.branch_n, type_n

    order by h.branch_n, type_n desc

    WHEN I'm running in Microsoft server management studio it works fine and i get results like this;

    Branch_n -- type_n -- x

    Cook ST Change6

    Cook Question7

    Cook Incident5

    BVST Change7



    GST Change7


  • Check the language for each of the logins as this determines conversion of character dates.

    Are you passing the date parameters as character? If so is there a specific reason?

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • David Burrows (7/16/2013)

    Check the language for each of the logins as this determines conversion of character dates.

    Are you passing the date parameters as character? If so is there a specific reason?

    Like the qoute says from DAVID BURROWS; Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

    I just see now that the week1 as character but must be date/time. I just need that BOOST haha just 9 hours SQL TYPING!

  • And if at all possible do yourself a favor and change the column to datetime. When you store datetime information in another datatype you lose the ability to do calculations, you lose the ability to validate that the value is in fact a datetime. Of course the last time I checked there is no need for any unicode characters in ANY date format. 😉


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