the check constraint is not working

  • go

    create table Band(Band_ID varchar(6),Band_Name varchar(25),Bands_OtherNames varchar(100),Found datetime,Genre varchar(30));

    insert into Band values('ar1','Linkin Park','Hybrid Theory(2000)/Fuse(1996)','2000-01-01','Alternative Rock/Rap-Rock/Rock')

    select*from Band


    the check constraint is not working

    alter table Band add constraint ch_2 check (Found<'2000-01-01')

    the error message=Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 1

    The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the CHECK constraint "ch_2". The conflict occurred in database "music", table "dbo.Band", column 'Found'.

    whats wrong with it?

  • If you had defined the check constraint before executing the insert statement then it would have worked fine.

    The problem is in check constraint you are specifying a condition that the date should be less than '2000-01-01' , whereas there is already a record in table where date='2000-01-01'.

    Delete the record from the table and then define the check constraint.

  • thx dude

    What a stupid question that was

  • thx before dude now i hava another problem

    The Foreign key constraint cannot be created


    create table Artist(Artist_ID int identity,Artist_FName varchar(30),Artist_Surname varchar(30),Artist_OtherNames varchar(40),Artist_DOB datetime);


    create table Band(Band_ID varchar(6),Band_Name varchar(25),Bands_OtherNames varchar(100),Found datetime,Genre varchar(30));



    alter table Band alter column Band_ID varchar(6) not null

    alter table Band add constraint pk_band Primary Key(Band_ID)



    alter table Artist add constraint pk_Artist Primary key(Artist_ID) --problem is here


    error message

    Msg 1769, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Foreign key 'fk_Band' references invalid column 'Artist_ID' in referencing table 'Band'.

    Msg 1750, Level 16, State 0, Line 1

    Could not create constraint. See previous errors.

  • I could not see any script which creates the foreign key.



  • sorry pal i just misplaced it

    alter table Band add Constraint fk_Band Foreign key(Artist_ID) references Artist(Artist_ID)

  • Hello,

    Where is the column named Artist_ID in the table Band?

    Your script is:

    alter table Band add Constraint fk_Band Foreign key(Artist_ID) references Artist(Artist_ID)

    The column name specified as foreign key should be present in the table Band.



  • Also the data type of the primary key and the foreign key column

    should be the same.



  • oh i understood

    Artist_ID would'n implicitly get into the Table Band

    thank u very much

  • Welcome........

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