The Best Computer

  • Let me add my votes for Holly/Hilly from Red Dwarf and Max Headroom. I like a little humor in my computing platform. That could explain why I've used Winders for so long.

  • blandry (12/19/2008)

    (First - a correction for AndyD... Holly is NOT the female computer in Red Dwarf - that is Hilly. Holly is the actor Norman Lovett, a male computer who was in 6 of the 8 seasons of Red Dwarf, Hilly appeared in 2 seasons...)

    If you're going to bother correcting me, at least get your facts rights :w00t:

    Norman Lovett played HOLLY in Series I and II, and Hattie Hayridge guest starred as HILLY in one or two episodes. Then, Hattie Hayridge played HOLLY in Series III to V. Then they lost Red Dwarf and it gets a bit more complicated. And I'm sure everyone reading this has lost interest already 🙂

  • I liked "EDI" in the movie Stealth. hit by lightning, rogue computer gone bad, then good at the end. And he was a new Talon military aircraft. (Jessica Biel was hot to).

    Tim White

  • The Borg, as portrayed in Star Trek: First Contact (in the original Borg episodes in TNG they were really clunky and less terrifying). Talk about the cloud! A machine intelligence that bridges the technological/organic gap? Sweet.

    In the extended universe they also do crazy super-science-project stuff, like building a space station in 11 dimensional space.

  • Thumbs Up:

    1. HAL - Odyssey 2001

    2. Colossus: the Forbin Project

    3. Star Trek, original series: the weapon which still keeps destroying everything it can find, even after destroying its own world. No, not the VGER renegade Earth satellite, the one that gets blowed-up when Kirk sends a sister ship down its throat.


    KITT, KITT and KITT.

    Typical boring 70's - 80's stuff. - lousy scripts - implausible, unrealistic. Expanding wheels to transform the car into an off-road vehicle. "Don't be afraid of the driver, be afraid of the car". Yecch!

  • Ian Massi (12/19/2008)

    Well, the most impressive system would have to be the one in The Matrix. Heck, they even figured out how to use humans as a power source AND kept us entertained.

    My favourite is the WOPR from Wargames though. Has enough sense to figure out the concepts behind mutally assured destruction by comparing it to tic-tac-toe. It also demonstrated how expensive computers were back then. Not only did they have to load it with war simulations but they also used it as a gaming server:


    If Deep Blue were to go up against the WOPR in a chess match, I'd put my money on WOPR. If it starts to lose, instead of knocking the board over like a frustrated human player it could always threaten to start WWIII and the Deep Blue operators would just concede. Now that's some good programming.

    This is a tough question. No doubt I enjoyed the War Games computer when I first saw the movie ages ago. I forgot that it was called WOPR. That's funny (as in "whopper," I assume).

    However, here are my other favorite movie computers. It's hard to pick just one.

    1. HAL 9000. Although the story loses me toward the end, the voice of HAL and its desperation are very poignant.

    2. The replicants in Blade Runner. I think they count as computers, don't they?

    3. C3P0 and R2D2. They remind me of a kind of Laurel and Hardy of the future.

    And if we include TV, then of course KITT from Knight Rider is on my favorites list as well. And (as I just saw in another reply) the android Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation.

    Thanks for the poll! This was a good one.

    Happy holidays to all,


    A SQL query walks into a bar and sees two tables. He walks up to them and asks, "Can I join you?"

  • Since we've alredy deviated from movies, I'd also like to add Berserkers. They make Terminators look like wee small girls.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • DARYL (Data Analyzing Robot Youth Lifeform... yes, I remember that off the top of my head). Displayed signs of forming his own AI routines when he decided he preferred chocolate to strawberry ice cream. I suspect I'd hate it now, but it was good when I was a kid.

  • 3. C3P0 and R2D2. They remind me of a kind of Laurel and Hardy of the future.

    R2D2 is my favorite computer. I hadn't watched the Star Wars movies (any) until a few years ago - I never thought beeps and squeaks could convey so much personality!

  • Forgot about DARYL watched that on Channel 5 one sunday afternoon a few weeks back, was the first time my wife ever saw it, she was blubbing like a wee girl.

    And another, not sure if it was a computer or alien though the space ship from "Flight of the Navigator", another 80s movie.

  • ...does anyone remember that show Small Wonder? It just popped in there, and I couldn't keep it to myself.

  • 1. the computer in the TV series Batman.

    2. ROK from Airplane II

    3. Independence Day Alien computer screens

    Funniest scene with anything electronic / computer related was Airplane II on Moon base Alpha, from the time the wolf howls when the camera views the moon base, to Shatner stepping out from behind the door that has a screen embedded in it to when he tells the guy to make the lights blink in sequence.

  • i remember "flight of the navigator" and "small wonder" as well 🙂

    that reminds me of "Bionic 6"

    does anyone remember the big computer that the professor had, where the screen filled the wall (no so implausible now)

    the best thing about it was the keyboard, which seemed to have a million keys. They had no characters on them, but he seemed to know what they all did.

    in fact there were so many that he stood to operate it!

    Also he could "connect" and see images of any one seeminly anywhere in the world. I guess they knew about the internet and CCTV long before we did!

    if you don't have the time to do it right, when will you have the time to do it over ?

  • davidthegray (12/19/2008)

    But to me, the best computer scene in all the movie history of all times is the Star Trek scene (I can't remember the title of the movie, the one where they go back to our times to save the whales), when Mr Spock grabs a mouse and uses it as a microphone saying "Computer!". I literally rolled on the floor laughing the first time I've seen that!

    Ha! You beat me to it! That was the first thing that came to my mind!

    Next would be the friendly computers from Sirius Cybernetics, in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. "Hi, guys, what can I do for you today?"... "Pleasure to be of service!"

  • cyplesma (12/19/2008)

    1. the computer in the TV series Batman.

    2. ROK from Airplane II

    3. Independence Day Alien computer screens

    Funniest scene with anything electronic / computer related was Airplane II on Moon base Alpha, from the time the wolf howls when the camera views the moon base, to Shatner stepping out from behind the door that has a screen embedded in it to when he tells the guy to make the lights blink in sequence.

    True, that scene with Shatner was priceless. Thanks for reminding me about it!

    Happy holidays to all,


    A SQL query walks into a bar and sees two tables. He walks up to them and asks, "Can I join you?"

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