Log file with different formats

  • Hi, can you help me with this?

    Hola, me pueden ayudar con una pregunta?

    Which task should be used if we need to create log file with different formats

    A. Script task

    B. File system task

    C. Execute Sql task

    D. Execute process task

    He buscado acerca de cada uno, pero la información encontrada no me ha ayudado a ver la respuesta

    This is what I´ve searched about this:

    The Execute SQL task runs SQL statements or stored procedures from a package. The task can contain either a single SQL statement or multiple SQL statements that run sequentially. You can use the Execute SQL task for the following purposes:

    Truncate a table or view in preparation for inserting data.

    Create, alter, and drop database objects such as tables and views.

    Re-create fact and dimension tables before loading data into them.

    Run stored procedures. If the SQL statement invokes a stored procedure that returns results from a temporary table, use the WITH RESULT SETS option to define metadata for the result set.

    Save the rowset returned from a query into a variable.

    The Execute Process task runs an application or batch file as part of a SQL Server Integration Services package workflow. Although you can use the Execute Process task to open any standard application, such as Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word, you typically use it to run business applications or batch files that work against a data source. For example, you can use the Execute Process task to expand a compressed text file. Then the package can use the text file as a data source for the data flow in the package. As another example, you can use the Execute Process task to run a custom Visual Basic application that generates a daily sales report. Then you can attach the report to a Send Mail task and forward the report to a distribution list.

    The File System task performs operations on files and directories in the file system. For example, by using the File System task, a package can create, move, or delete directories and files. You can also use the File System task to set attributes on files and directories. For example, the File System task can make files hidden or read-only.

    The Script task provides code to perform functions that are not available in the built-in tasks and transformations that SQL Server Integration Services provides. The Script task can also combine functions in one script instead of using multiple tasks and transformations. You use the Script task for work that must be done once in a package (or once per enumerated object), instead than once per data row.


    So... What option is the correct answer?


  • I don't see how the above has any relevance to SQL Server. it feels more like you've posted your homework question into the topic, if i am honest.

    What is it you need help with? Is it that you don't understand what "text mining" is (it is not a term I am familiar with), however, a search gave me almost 10 million results on the subject. What don't you understand about the question being asked exactly?


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • jhonhernandez300 wrote:

    I know a little bit of Sql but not about this topic.

    Ah, but this is a SQL Server forum.  Your q is somewhat off-topic here.  You might want to find a forum for text mining to get better answers to that type of q.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • Sorry, I pasted the wrong question

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