Text file not fully loaded

  • I'm using SSIS to pull data from a text file to a table. I didn't get any error or warning but when I view my table I just have 66508 out of 65536 records. Any one has this problem? If yes, please tell me how you fix this. TIA

  • It is really hard to say without more information.

    Is there anything unsual about the 28 rows that were left out?

    Do you have a lot of transformations that could be dropping rows out?

    I find a good way to debgug is to connect up the 0n_error flows and the default flows for conditional splits, to a flat file to see if any rows are going in there.

  • Thanks for the reply. It's just a plain simple dataflow.

    Source (text file) -> Table.

    No transformation, truncate or splitting the data. THe paakage turned to 'Green' on all the dataflow. That's why I don't what's going on.

  • Found the error/problem. Thanks for the help ...

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