Temp Db drive crashed

  • Hello All,

    One of the logical drive of my server where both mdf and ldf files of temp DB was resising crashed last night and we had to replace this drive. These files could be recovered and the SQL server service is not starting now.

    Is there anyway I can make the things working again?

    Thanks in advance

  • Did you try putting the files in place and then starting the SQL Server services? Make sure that the path has not been changed.

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  • Actually I do not have those mdf and ldf files to put back

  • Ziljan4 (9/24/2009)

    Actually I do not have those mdf and ldf files to put back

    But in your original post you said these files can be recovered?

    The reason I asked this is because if you had any process in fly you could loss them.

    Talking about TempDB in particular, SQL does not care if the tempDb files are there or not. If it doesn't get the files it creates a new one subjected to original path exists.

    If you are not able to start your SQL Services, the reason maybe something else. Can you tell us what error are you getting?

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  • As mentioned before, the tempdb database is recreated every time sql server is restarted. post the error that is occurring and we can help you further.

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