TCP/IP not listening on the default port

  • Hello Everyone,

    What could explain that a server does not listen on the 1433 port for TCP/IP incoming client requests?

    I looked into the server network utility and the TCP/IP protocol is enabled (it should also listen on the 1433 port) but when I try to user TCP/IP on the client side... never able to connect.

    Also using netstat -an, I can see that the server does not listen on the port 1433.

    N.B. This server is on a laptop.

    How can I solve this?

    If someone has any tips, let me know.



  • Have you checked that there is not a firewall blocking access to 1433?

  • Hello Chris,

    its a good point... They've increased the security on all our laptops lately... maybe its related.

    I'll look at it when I have the chance to get one. Until then,  they use Named Pipes instead.

    Best regards,


  • Hello Chris,

    Our installation is on XP as stated above and the Windows Firewall is "ON".

    If I try to add exceptions with the port 1433, it does not solve the problem.

    I am confused...

    Could it be the Windows Firewall that forbid SQL Server to listen on the port 1433?

    Best regards,


  • Is your install named?  ([servername]\instancename)?  If so- it would not, by default, listen on port 1433.  The listening port would dynamically assign a port on first start, or if the previously used port is being used by another application. 



  • Hello Jason,

    not this is a default instance not a named instance.



  • have you checked that Hide Server is not checked on server Network utility?

    When you start the service, on the SQL Log Files, what Port number is Logged ?



    * Noel

  • Hello Noel,

    Hide Server is not checked.

    Thank's for that hint it could have been checked.

    In the SQL log what Isee is this:

    SQL Server listening on Shared Memory, Named Pipe.

    Nothing related to TCP/ip even if it is slected in the server network utility.

    So what's left...

    Best regards,


  • Carl,

    Assuming that

    • you have TCP/IP Enabled on your Sever Network utility
    • your server is not Hidden -- as you mentioned above
    • your sever  is binding to TCP/IP library  -- per your logs

    You may have hit the following bug:;EN-US;890200


    * Noel

  • Hi Noel,

    Something I should have mention previously is that the Edition of SQL Server 2000 is the Personnal one.

    But I don't think this is the bug we experience here since I re-install the server on this laptop and the problem is there at the installation:

    The machine does not listen on the 1433 port at all.

    Maybe its another bug?



  • The solution is very simple: Install service pack 3. After having done that, the server listen on the TCP/IP port defined by us.

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