Talking baseball

  • I always thought Steinbrennar was a PIA, but no denying he wanted to win and was happy to spend money to do so.


  • I found an article on why batting average can be so overrated.

    Thought you guys might find it an interesting read.

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  • I agree with the article, though think it's a little biased against the Royals.

    BA isn't everything, which is why we look at five tools for the best players. When I read Moneyball, they made a good case that BA isn't nearly as good a predictor of a good player as OBS and Slugging %.

  • Ok ... I got to say this ...

    The first baseman for the Orioles deserves whatever bad karma is going to come his way. If you're in the major leagues and you can't catch a slightly offline pickoff throw from the pitcher and then you proceed to tag out the runner who is suffering massively as a result of your being a horrible player ... you really deserve everything bad that will ever happen to you in the game.

    Sorry, had to vent.

    └> bt

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  • First baseman? The Orioles have a first baseman - when this did happen 🙂

    We haven't had a "real" first baseman all season (okay - and still don't). But I guess I'll have to trackdown the play to which you refer. But I bet it's Wigginton...


  • After watching the replay, I'm going to wear a cup just sitting at my desk.

    Sacramento SQL Server users group -
    Follow me on Twitter - @SQLDCH

    Yeah, well...The Dude abides.
  • I love baseball and I have thought about commenting on the thread before but I am a cubs fan which shows I know little about good baseball. But I watch them every year always thinking this will be the year. This still could be the year. Wow am I delutional or what?


    If only I could snap my figures and have all the correct indexes apear and the buffer clean and.... Start day dream here.

  • bteraberry (7/21/2010)

    The first baseman for the Orioles deserves whatever bad karma is going to come his way. If you're in the major leagues and you can't catch a slightly offline pickoff throw from the pitcher and then you proceed to tag out the runner who is suffering massively as a result of your being a horrible player ... you really deserve everything bad that will ever happen to you in the game.

    You have my curiosity roused. I didn't see this replay -- unfortunately, passing storms knocked out our power last night, so I didn't get to see Baseball Tonight last night.

    Is there a YouTube video of this play somewhere?

    Check out my blog at

  • Dan.Humphries (7/22/2010)

    I love baseball and I have thought about commenting on the thread before but I am a cubs fan which shows I know little about good baseball. But I watch them every year always thinking this will be the year. This still could be the year. Wow am I delutional or what?

    It's not just you. Talk to fans of the old Brooklyn Dodgers.

    Okay, yes, I realize that they didn't suffer for 100+ years, but still . . .

    (And as a Yankee fan, I'm still in denial about 2004 . . . )

    Check out my blog at

  • Try this:

    Sacramento SQL Server users group -
    Follow me on Twitter - @SQLDCH

    Yeah, well...The Dude abides.
  • testicular contusion - OUCH!!!!

    -- You can't be late until you show up.

  • watching the clip I am not sure the first baseman ever expected that throw. he seemed very out of position for a pickoff attempt. It makes me wonder if he beleived he should not be holding him on the base. Either way it was a poor throw and I am not sure I agree with the assesment that the ball was catchable by any first baseman given the position of crawford and the throw. Even if he was in position for a pickoff atempt which would have helped he would have run into crawford trying to get to the ball. If crawford slides as every player is told to due rather than his leg stretch back to the base he does not get hit regardless.


    If only I could snap my figures and have all the correct indexes apear and the buffer clean and.... Start day dream here.

  • I have learned to always turn my back going back to first, whether walking or diving. Playing first, I see balls thrown low by the pitcher constantly, and even a few at the runner. I think the movement catches their eye and they throw towards them at times.

    Two weeks ago the pitcher threw like that and the ball hit me on the hip and bounced over me as I dove back. The 250lb first baseman dove for the ball and landed on my back, digging his elbow into my shoulder blade. That ended my day as well.

    The thing that stands out to me the most is that first baseman was a bit of an *** in that video for not even looking at a guy laying on the field.

  • Yeah, well maybe. The real issue is that even when not expecting a throw a good firstbaseman who is holding a guy on should have handled that one. It wasn't that bad: apparently the ball was within a leg's distance of the base. If Wigginton had any footwork at all he'd have moved toward the ball instead of reaching his hand one way and his butt the other. You can't get to a ball by leaning, you have to move.

    The funniest part of this, if there is one, is how Crawford is not going to start wearing a cup after this. It reminds me of this story from Ball Four:

    That's not the funniest. The funniest is what happened to Ray Oyler. He was warming up Locker and caught a sinker right on the cup. It didn't even hit the ground first. Ding dong! He went down on all fours and crawled around that way for a while. Then he limped into the dugout and vomited. The boys were hysterical. We were getting beat in a ballgame and we were laughing. Joe Schultz laughed so hard he had to take off his glasses, dry his eyes and hide his head in a warm-up jacket. (p 312)


    [font="Arial"]Are you lost daddy? I asked tenderly.
    Shut up he explained.
    - Ring Lardner

  • Didn't I say these things come in threes? First Sheppard. Then Steinbrenner. And now . . .

    Ralph Houk, Yankees Manager, Dies at 90

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