Table Update Query -- Need Help!

  • The 😉 (wink) should just be a close paren )

  • hey that worked... thanks so much for your help....

    let me ask one more question if that is ok....

    same scenario, but say the lower levels have a description but the upper levels do not, is there a way to populate the upper levels based on the lower ones?



    11315.001.002 Description



    11315.001 Description


    Just wondering....

    Thanks again for your help!!!

  • Yes, there is, but I think that would be a good exercise for you to work on using the test code I initially provided along with the change for using SQL Server 2000 (i.e. you have to eliminate the CTE and use a derived table in the update).

    If you run into problems, open a new thread in a SQL Server 2000 forum, show what you have done, and where you are having a problem. This is the one of the best ways to learn.


  • gotcha... thanks for your help!!!

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