Table Creation

  • Hi. 


    Line # FY 2004FY 2005FY 2006
    Custodial services
    1561Professional  services   
    1562Clerical services   
    1563Other salaries   
    1564Contracted services   
    1565Other expenses   
    Maintenance of Grounds
    1591Professional  services   
    1592Clerical services   
    1593Other salaries   
    1594Contracted services   
    1596Other expenses   
    Extraordinary maintence
    1633Insurance for employees   
    1645Legal expenses   
    1646Trade expenses   



    This is the excel sheet and according to this a web form is designed and for this i need to create a table
    The Line # that you see is predefined value in the database and the data under the custodial Services , Maintenance of Grounds etc are also the predefined values and the data in the three years are user entered data....
    Can u help me out with this
  • You could use a single table for this, but where's the normalized relational fun in that?  This would make grouping and subtotals a little easier and more scalable in the long run I would imagine.  Hope this helps somewhat.

    Create Table tblAccountType(

      AccountTypeId int Identity(1,1) Not Null,

      AccountTypeName varchar(100) Not Null


    -- Add Indexes


    Create Table tblAccount(

      AccountId int Not Null,

      AccountTypeId int Not Null, -- Add FK to tblAccountType.AccountTypeId

      AccountNo int Not Null,

      AccountDesc varchar(100) Not Null


    -- Add indexes


    Create Table tblMaintenance(

      MaintenanceId int Identity(1,1) Not Null,

      AccountId int Not Null,       --Add FK to tblAccount.AccountId

      FY2004 decimal(9,2) Null,     -- adjust numerics as required

      FY2005 decimal(9,2) Null,     -- ditto

      FY2006 decimal(9,2) Null,     -- ditto^2


    -- Add indexes


    Declare @id int

    -- Add the Custodial Services accounts

    Insert Into tblAccountType(AccountTypeName) Select 'Custodial Services'

    Select @id = scope_identity() -- use this for Account insertions below

    Insert Into tblAccount(AccountTypeId, AccountNo, AccountDesc) Select @id,1561,'Professional Services'

    /* ... etc (do for all Custodial services) ... */

    Insert Into tblAccount(AccountTypeId, AccountNo, AccountDesc) Select @id,1565,'Other Expenses'

    -- Add the Maintenance of Grounds accounts

    Insert into tblAccountType(AccountTypeName) Select 'Maintenance of Grounds'

    Select @id = scope_identity()  -- use this for Account insertions below

    Insert Into tblAccount(AccountTypeId, AccountNo, AccountDesc) Select @id,1591,'Professional Services'

    /*   ETC   */

    -- Add Extraordinary Maintenance same as above two --

    -- Once this is done then create a maintenance record for each account

    Insert Into tblMaintenance(AccountId) Select AccountId From tblAccount

    -- Then the interface can be used to enter in appropriate FY2004,FY2005,FY2006 values

    In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.   Douglas Adams (1952-2001)

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