t-sql question!!

  • I have the following table structure:






    I want to remove the col1 values from the col2 values including the "\" and get the final output.

    For example:

    1. In the first row, I want to remove \abc from the col2 value and get the final output as folder1\folder2\folder3

    2. In the second row, I want to remove \ttt from the col2 value and get the final output as folder1\folder2\folder3\folder4

    And likewise..

    Please let me know how I can do this, thanks!!

  • select


    REPLACE(col2 , '\' + col1, '')

    from dbo.folderTable

    That should do the trick as long as your folder names are not the same as the values in column 1. If they are...it would remove the folder name as well.

  • SELECT REPLACE(col2, '\' + col1, '');

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  • If the col1 values are always at the end, so you can do it with the code at the bottom. This same principal be used to remove a file name from a directory path. I assume this is what your objective is, since everything else in the path starts with "folder."

    In the SELECT statement, the REVERSE function returns the string of col2's characters read from right to left. This allows the CHARINDEX find the position of the last "\" to appear in the string. Taking the LEFT number of characters from the length of string to the position of the last "\" effectively removes the "\" and the characters following it.

    This will not work if the col1 characters appear in the middle of the col2 string, so please let me know if that could ever happen. The solution is slightly longer, but still possible in one set of nested functions.


    declare @sample table (col1 char(3), col2 varchar(max))

    insert into @sample

    select 'abc', 'folder1\folder2\folder3\abc' union all

    select 'ttt', 'folder1\folder2\folder3\folder4\ttt' union all

    select 'zzz','folder1\folder2\folder3\folder4\folder5\zzz' union all

    select 'xxx','folder1\folder2\xxx'

    SELECT col1, LEFT(col2, LEN(col2) - CHARINDEX('\',REVERSE(col2),1)) as newCol2

    FROM @sample


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