T-SQL CASE WHEN take latest value

  • I have a table of dates, companyIDs, and industry.

    CREATE TABLE #mytable


    date DATETIME,

    companyID INT,

    industry nvarchar(100)


    If before 5/30/2000 some companyIDs had industry values that are a generic 'Corporate' then after 5/30/2000 became more specific such as 'Energy', 'Technology', 'Communications', etc.

    What would be best T-SQL syntax to SELECT and GROUP BY date and industry, but for all companyIDs which have a industry of 'Corporate' use that companyID's latest industry value instead? So instead of 4/30/2000 Corporate, it would be 4/30/2000 Energy (or whatever the respective companyID latest industry was.

    Here is the basic query I would like, but needs a subquery or CASE WHEN so industries that are 'Corporate' instead take the value of that companyIDs latest industry value:

    SELECT m.date, m.industry

    FROM #MyTable m

    GROUP BY m.date m.industry

    ORDER BY m.date DESC

  • joeshu26 (1/21/2016)

    I have a table of dates, companyIDs, and industry.

    CREATE TABLE #mytable


    date DATETIME,

    companyID INT,

    industry nvarchar(100)


    If before 5/30/2000 some companyIDs had industry values that are a generic 'Corporate' then after 5/30/2000 became more specific such as 'Energy', 'Technology', 'Communications', etc.

    What would be best T-SQL syntax to SELECT and GROUP BY date and industry, but for all companyIDs which have a industry of 'Corporate' use that companyID's latest industry value instead? So instead of 4/30/2000 Corporate, it would be 4/30/2000 Energy (or whatever the respective companyID latest industry was.

    Here is the basic query I would like, but needs a subquery or CASE WHEN so industries that are 'Corporate' instead take the value of that companyIDs latest industry value:

    SELECT m.date, m.industry

    FROM #MyTable m

    GROUP BY m.date m.industry

    ORDER BY m.date DESC

    Can you post some sample data (as inserts) for your temp table that represents the issue. Also, you should post what you expect as output. Once we know that we can help you here.


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  • Are you looking for something like this?

    SELECT m.date,

    CASE WHEN m.date < '20000530' AND m.industry = 'Corporate'

    THEN LAST_VALUE( m.industry) OVER(PARTITION BY m.companyID

    ORDER BY date


    ELSE m.industry END AS industry

    FROM #MyTable m;

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • INSERT INTO #myTable

    (date, companyID, industry)

    SELECT '20000430', '2', 'Corporate' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20000430', '2', 'Corporate' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20000430', '2', 'Corporate' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20000531', '2', 'Corporate' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20000531', '2', 'Corporate' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20000630', '2', 'Energy' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20000630', '2', 'Energy' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20000630', '2', 'Energy' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20000630', '2', 'Energy' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20000731', '2', 'Energy' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20000430', '4', 'Corporate' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20000531', '4', 'Corporate' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20000531', '4', 'Corporate' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20000630', '4', 'Technology' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20000630', '4', 'Technology' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20000630', '4', 'Technology' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20000630', '4', 'Technology' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20000731', '4', 'Technology' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20000731', '4', 'Technology'

    I would like output to look like:

    Date industry

    2000-04-30 Energy

    2000-05-31 Energy

    2000-06-30 Energy

    2000-07-31 Energy

    2000-04-30 Technology

    2000-05-31 Technology

    2000-06-30 Technology

    2000-07-31 Technology

  • Any questions, comments or improvements?


    SELECT m.date,


    WHERE c.date < '20000530'

    AND c.industry = 'Corporate'

    AND c.companyID = m.companyID)

    THEN LAST_VALUE( m.industry) OVER(PARTITION BY m.companyID

    ORDER BY date


    ELSE m.industry END AS industry

    FROM #MyTable m


    SELECT *


    GROUP BY date, industry

    ORDER BY industry, date;

    Why don't you normalize the table to have the industry in the companies table?

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2

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