Suggestion required for setting up test environment for sql server 2012

  • Hi

    I am basically going to set up test environment for sql server 2012/2014 set up

    I am going to install VM on single pc so as install more then one servers so as test various ....configurations like clustering/always-on etc.....

    Just wanted to what would best configuration

    What would be good processor ???

    Would intel i3 or i5 would do

    i5 doesnot have hyperthreading



  • anoop.mig29 (12/8/2016)


    I am basically going to set up test environment for sql server 2012/2014 set up

    I am going to install VM on single pc so as install more then one servers so as test various ....configurations like clustering/always-on etc.....

    Just wanted to what would best configuration

    What would be good processor ???

    Would intel i3 or i5 would do

    i5 doesnot have hyperthreading



    What kind of performance are you looking to achieve? Will multiple VMs be active at the same time? What other use of that machine will take place simultaneously with the VMs being active?

    I wouldn't waste time with any machine with less than 32GB of RAM or with anything less than a high-end Core i7. The moment you add an additional OS, you're going to chew up at least 2 to 4 GB of RAM just to get that other OS running, never mind actually doing much. And then there's the installation of the SQL Server version, and it's RAM needs, based on the workload you plan to test there. It would not be all that difficult to justify a rather hefty machine, depending on what you're seeking to actually test. Running multiple operating systems is going to put a pretty good load on RAM, and going to make the base OS a tad sluggish without some serious CPU power, so this will need to be based on what your test objectives are. If you're hoping to model actual performance of a large server, you may need to get an actual beast server that's designed for that kind of VM scenario in order to get useful performance statistics.

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