Subscriptions from Reporting Services get unintelligable job names in SQL Server Agent

  • Hi Steve,

    I had the same problem as Andrew. I renamed the GUID with the report that was being generated. Later, I found out that there were two jobs running: one which i renamed and another one with the GUID. I got rid of the job that I renamed and the subcritpion worked just fine.

    [font=Arial]Prakash Bhojegowda MCSE, MCSA (SQL2012)[/font]

  • Hello,

    I have a Network Load Balanced Web Farm ( 2 Nodes configured as Active - Active) with SQL Reporting services installed. Report Server database is on the SQL server. When I subscribe a report on the cluster, it appears on bothe nodes. My question is: Will the report be kicked off on both the nodes of the web farm?

    Any help would be appreciated.


    Prakash BhojeGowda

    [font=Arial]Prakash Bhojegowda MCSE, MCSA (SQL2012)[/font]

  • Hello Jason,

    Your article holds good for subscription via email but not subsscriptions to a share. Hope there is a way to do it


    Prakash BhojeGowda

    [font=Arial]Prakash Bhojegowda MCSE, MCSA (SQL2012)[/font]

  • There is a way, and someone emailed me a link to that article. I'll search for it tonight and post it once I find it.


    Personal Motto: Why push the envelope when you can just open it?

    If you follow the direction given HERE[/url] you'll likely increase the number and quality of responses you get to your question.

    Jason L. Selburg
  • Thanks Jason,

    Would you mind taking a look at another question that I have?

    I have a Network Load Balanced Web Farm ( 2 Nodes configured as Active - Active) with SQL Reporting services installed. Report Server database is on the SQL server. When I subscribe a report on the cluster, it appears on bothe nodes. My question is: Will the report be kicked off on both the nodes of the web farm?

    Any help would be appreciated.


    Prakash BhojeGowda

    [font=Arial]Prakash Bhojegowda MCSE, MCSA (SQL2012)[/font]

  • Prakash.Bhojegowda (2/13/2008)

    Thanks Jason,

    Would you mind taking a look at another question that I have?

    I have a Network Load Balanced Web Farm ( 2 Nodes configured as Active - Active) with SQL Reporting services installed. Report Server database is on the SQL server. When I subscribe a report on the cluster, it appears on bothe nodes. My question is: Will the report be kicked off on both the nodes of the web farm?

    Any help would be appreciated.


    Prakash BhojeGowda

    No, it will not, the report is a SQL Job, not a web server job. The subscriptions are independent of the number of front end servers you have in the RS Farm.

  • Nice work Steve,


    "Ask me your questions, bridgekeeper. I'm not afraid"

  • Aren't there other processes for RS that generate a job named with a GUID? Is there anyway to catch all these jobs in a view rather than just the subscription based ones?

  • Thank you very much.. It's so helpful for me.

  • Thanks Steve, It worked for me too..... I hope next releases, SSRS gives us the option to rename it or use the GUID.

  • This is still an issue in SSRS 2008 and 2008 R2. We hit this today and, in the interests of not breaking Reporting Services whilst still preserving the sanity of our sa users, decided to just hide them from view altogether. I achieved this by altering the where clause on msdb.dbo.sysjobs_view:

    WHERE ((owner_sid = SUSER_SID())

    OR (ISNULL(IS_SRVROLEMEMBER(N'sysadmin'), 0) = 1)

    OR (ISNULL(IS_MEMBER(N'SQLAgentReaderRole'), 0) = 1)

    OR ( (ISNULL(IS_MEMBER(N'TargetServersRole'), 0) = 1) AND

    (EXISTS(SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobservers js

    WHERE js.server_id <> 0 AND js.job_id = jobs.job_id))) -- filter out local jobs

    ) AND (

    ORIGINAL_LOGIN() != 'sa' OR not like '________-____-____-____-____________'


    (That's 8, 4, 4, 4, 12 underscores in the match by the way.)

    Reporting Services can still see and manage the jobs, but our sa user can't see them and/or break them.

  • Hi,

    Currently, I am working on scheduling subscriptions from my ASP.Net application. I want to know what aal tables are affected when we update the date and time for any subscription. I want to perform this task from my application. Right now, I have only startdate from schedule table to update but this is not firing the scheduling part for the job.

    Any help will be appreciated.

  • Thanks! I used this view and it helps 🙂

  • Hi, Steve - This post was tremendously helpful to me, so I wanted to share my thanks for the great script. I poked around, looking for the subscription emails enough to know that it was going to take quite a while to follow that trail. Saved me a lot of time trying to track the subscription emails down. And time is in short supply, as always!

    Thanks again --


  • Hey Donna, glad to know it still works and is helping folks out!



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