subscription to publication is invalid

  • Hello again,

    I am (still) new to replication and am having a problem getting a push subscription for merge replication to work.

    Setup:  Publisher & Distributor are on the same server in Domain A, Subscriber is in Domain B, very poor connection between the domains (approx 28K stream - can't do anything about that).  Set up agent profile to handle the slow connectivity.

    Problem:  The snapshot generates without issues, no surprise there.  However when the merge agent runs I get an error saying that "The subscription to publication 'ABC' is invalid".  I'm a bit confused by this.  When I look at the session details of the Agent history it appears that the connections to both the publisher and subscriber are successful, the scripts are being applied, the data is bulk copied over, trigger scripts are applied, then it dies with the above message.  When I look at the error details it tells me that the subscriber is not registered at the publisher, but it is, via the IP address.

    What am I doing wrong?

  • Is the subscriber registered at the publisher exactly how it is named at the subscriber?  This may require an alias be set up.


    subscriber in domain B (outside) named


    Registered in Domain A (inside) as


    ** this example will allow you to set up replication, but will actually fail when the merge agent is run, as in your example above

    Resolve by creating a local alias on the publisher named exactly as it is on the subscriber.  The names need to match in both "sysservers" tables.






  • Hi Newbie

    I've had this problem too and found that a comon problem is SQL's internal registered name.

    run "sp_helpserver" on the subscriber and see the items listed. The subscriber MUST be listed with its current Servername. this does not change automatically when the machine name is changed. The Publisher might also be listed but if not it will be added when you push a subscription.

    If your subscriber is not listed correctly on its self do this...

    EXEC sp_dropserver 'thewrongservername'

    EXEC sp_addserver 'thecorrectservername','local'

    Then try push the subscription again.

    This is only one potential problem I've come across and if it is this, it works EVERY time.


  • The problem wasn't with the registered names of the servers.  I added the alias and it all worked like a charm.



  • Did you set up alias on the publisher or subscriber? I ran into the same issue too. And did you have to stop and restart the SQL server services?


  • Wow, it's been 3 1/2 years, don't really remember, but I think it was the publisher.

  • Thanks my problem is solve by:

    EXEC sp_dropserver 'LHDC2K02'

    EXEC sp_addserver 'LMDC2K02','local'



  • Hi,

    I am getting the same error 14010,

    Merge replication over internet

    I am pushing a Subscription,

    I can register both the servers through internet

    After i Have initialized the merge agent

    it gets connected and does the bulkcopy as well,

    but then at the very end i get this error.

    Can someone please give me detailed steps as to how would i create alias

  • Hi Ashish,

    I got this problem because I did the following task on my new subscription machine:

    1) Install fresh windows with machine name on subscription i.e. A

    2) install SQL Server on machine name A

    3) Rename subscriber machine i.e. from "A" to "B"

    4) Got this error message from distributor.

    5) I fixed this by running the following commands on subscriber:

    EXEC sp_dropserver 'A'

    EXEC sp_addserver 'B','local'

    6) Re-run the agent it works

    Please do let me know if your problem still exist after this.



  • I got it working by Creating an alias at the Pubhlisher in Client Network utility for the given IP address(of subscriber) under TCP/IP and then i registered the subs server in my enterprise manager just to check if alias was working

    now the merge agent works fine

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