sub-view performance issue

  • All,

    I have a view (vw_detail) which is called from Crystal report. This view in turn calls another view with some where and order by clauses. The report takes almost 10 mins to run. As I am new to sql server, I am struggling to tune this particular query:


    ALTER VIEW dbo.vw_EOBDetail_EOD


    SELECT 1

    FROM dbo.PayorHeader

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.PayorDetail

    ON dbo.PayorHeader.Pclaim_number = dbo.PayorDetail.Pclaim_number

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tbl_ProcedureCodeCrosswalk

    ON dbo.PayorHeader.Administrator = dbo.tbl_ProcedureCodeCrosswalk.TPAID

    AND dbo.PayorDetail.PProcedureCode >= dbo.tbl_ProcedureCodeCrosswalk.Low_HCPCS

    AND dbo.PayorDetail.PProcedureCode <= dbo.tbl_ProcedureCodeCrosswalk.High_HCPCS

    AND LEN(RTRIM(dbo.PayorDetail.PProcedureCode)) > 4

    LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT dbo.SubPayorDetail.Pclaim_Number

    , dbo.SubPayorDetail.ProcedureSequenceNumber,

    MAX(CASE WHEN SubPayorDetail.SubProcedure = 1 THEN SubPayorDetail.PercentageCovered ELSE ' ' END) AS PercentageCovered_1,

    MAX(CASE WHEN SubPayorDetail.SubProcedure = 2 THEN SubPayorDetail.PercentageCovered ELSE ' ' END) AS PercentageCovered_2,

    MAX(CASE WHEN SubPayorDetail.SubProcedure > 2 THEN SubPayorDetail.PercentageCovered ELSE ' ' END) AS PercentageCovered_3,

    MAX(CASE WHEN SubPayorDetail.SubProcedure = 1 THEN SubPayorDetail.BenefitPayable ELSE 0 END) AS Paid_Level_1,

    MAX(CASE WHEN SubPayorDetail.SubProcedure = 2 THEN SubPayorDetail.BenefitPayable ELSE 0 END) AS Paid_Level_2,

    MAX(CASE WHEN SubPayorDetail.SubProcedure > 2 THEN SubPayorDetail.BenefitPayable ELSE 0 END) AS Paid_Level_3

    FROM dbo.PayorHeader AS PayorHeader_2

    INNER JOIN dbo.SubPayorDetail

    ON PayorHeader_2.Pclaim_number = dbo.SubPayorDetail.Pclaim_Number

    GROUP BY dbo.SubPayorDetail.Pclaim_Number, dbo.SubPayorDetail.ProcedureSequenceNumber) AS SUB

    ON dbo.PayorDetail.Pclaim_number = SUB.Pclaim_Number

    AND dbo.PayorDetail.Procedure_sequence_number = SUB.ProcedureSequenceNumber

    INNER JOIN (SELECT Pclaim_number

    , MAX(CASE WHEN LEFT(BankAccountControl, 2) = 'NC' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS NC_Flag

    FROM dbo.PayorHeader AS PayorHeader_1

    GROUP BY Pclaim_number) AS NCF

    ON dbo.PayorHeader.Pclaim_number = NCF.Pclaim_number

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tbl_Cycle

    ON dbo.PayorHeader.EOBPreparedDate = dbo.tbl_Cycle.Run_Date

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tbl_Employer

    ON dbo.PayorHeader.Administrator = dbo.tbl_Employer.TPAID

    AND dbo.PayorHeader.Pgroup_number = dbo.tbl_Employer.GroupID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tbl_tmp_ReportParameters

    ON dbo.PayorHeader.ECHOSOFT_BatchID = dbo.tbl_tmp_ReportParameters.Parm_Value

    AND dbo.tbl_tmp_ReportParameters.Report_Name = 'Import_Acknowledgement'

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tbl_HRA_Accumulators

    ON dbo.PayorHeader.Administrator = dbo.tbl_HRA_Accumulators.TPAID

    AND dbo.PayorHeader.Pgroup_number = dbo.tbl_HRA_Accumulators.Groupid

    AND dbo.PayorHeader.Pcertificate_number = dbo.tbl_HRA_Accumulators.InsuredID

    We think we have proper indexes in place and below is the count of the tables:








    My first ideas is to remove AND dbo.PayorDetail.PProcedureCode >= dbo.tbl_ProcedureCodeCrosswalk.Low_HCPCS

    AND dbo.PayorDetail.PProcedureCode <= dbo.tbl_ProcedureCodeCrosswalk.High_HCPCS

    with between operator.

    Any thoughts?


  • Does the view really start with SELECT 1 FROM dbo.PayorHeader or is this a simplification?

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Its just a simplification. In reality this view selects many columns.


  • onkarnath (7/5/2012)

    Its just a simplification. In reality this view selects many columns.


    Can you please post the actual plan as an attached .sqlplan file? Thanks.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Hi.

    If you would be so kind as to read the second link in my signature on posting code, we would required DDL of the tables views indexes and sample data, then if you could read the link on posting performance problems so we can take a look at your execution plan it would help us out in diagnosing your problem a little better.

  • Nesting views, calling a view from within a view, is generally a bad practice. It leads to poor performance since, in most cases, not all the columns or tables referenced by the view are needed in the query. In general, you should build each query to retrieve the data needed. Even if this means replicating certain joins in multiple locations. You'll get much better performance overall if you do that.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

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