String manipulation

  • I need to extract a substring from a column .The data in the column mainly contains email addresses and I need to remove the .com,.br,.uk,.ar etc from the end of the e-mail address.The problem is the length of the email is different in every row .

    eg there could be an email like and this scenario is there a way I can display george@gmail and joe@yahoo

  • wannabe dba (9/22/2010)

    I need to extract a substring from a column .The data in the column mainly contains email addresses and I need to remove the .com,.br,.uk,.ar etc from the end of the e-mail address.The problem is the length of the email is different in every row .

    eg there could be an email like and this scenario is there a way I can display george@gmail and joe@yahoo

    Sure, try something like...

    select substring('',1,

    (len('') -

    (len('') - CHARINDEX('.','') +1))


    At implementation time just replace literal by variable name. 😉

    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.
  • for ex. if you have table called email

    create table email (id int ,emailaddress varchar(50))

    here you have email address on emailaddress column. please use the below query to show your email address by removing (.com,.ge,.us,etc)

    SELECT substring(emailaddress,1,CHARINDEX( '.', emailaddress, 1)-1) from email

    hope this helps.



  • You can research on these functions and get a simpler way to get your results





  • A simple mechanism to cater for situations where more than one period (.) can appear in the emailaddress string try the following:

    DECLARE @EmailAddress VARCHAR(50)

    SET @EmailAddress = ''

    SELECT SUBSTRING(@EmailAddress,1,

    LEN(@EmailAddress) - CHARINDEX('.',REVERSE(RTRIM(@EmailAddress))))

    Note how the REVERSE() function has been used to flip the string allowing for the CHARINDEX() function to pick up the correct period position. ie:

    LEN(@EmailAddress) = 27

    CHARINDEX('.',REVERSE(RTRIM(@EmailAddress)) = 4

    results in:

    SUBSTRING(@EmailAddress,1,(27 -4))

    Also note that RTRIM() is important and used to cover for both VARCHAR and CHAR datatypes for the emailaddress string.

    Hope this helps

  • Paul:

    thx man

  • Spencer,

    Thx man.that is an elegant did exactly what I wanted.

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