Strike Force

  • jcrawf02 (12/28/2010)

    I know we all know we're computer geeks, but c'mon, this is just harsh:

    "and then go home and get on with out lives"

    maybe somewhere there's ONE of us who has a life? Anyone? :-P:hehe:

    I do! I do! I do! It's me. 😀

    ATBCharles Kincaid

  • jcrawf02 (12/28/2010)

    I know we all know we're computer geeks, but c'mon, this is just harsh:

    "and then go home and get on with out lives"

    maybe somewhere there's ONE of us who has a life? Anyone? :-P:hehe:

    Lemme check with my wife.

  • I have seen teams like this, and while you do need to be highly skilled, it's important that you start to get new people involved, and help them grow. One of the problems I've seen in crisis teams is that the critical people want to be martyrs and stay onsite for the entire time, through all hours of the day and night. However that doesn't allow less experienced people to learn, and burns the skilled people out.

    Putting these teams together needs to include some ego. You ought to be proud and happy with what you can do, but you also have to learn to play on the team.

  • I have been lately on several ad-hoc firefighting teams. No that I would not have the technical skills, but what got me onto them was my age (cf. the avatar). The youngest of my kids is a law school, so I do not have to pick them up from their soccer practice or drive them to a karate class. I can work nights and weekends on a short notice, or at no notice at all.

    As you may guess, the second most important criterion is my willingness to do that.

  • I would hate to work in an environment where an A-Team was necessary for more than rare occasions. It seems to me that an organization that requires frequent (more than once a year?) A-team responses is not performing due diligence regarding projects.

    I take more pride in the fact that we don't need A-Teams.

    We do have emergency response teams but those are for tornados, earthquake, floods, etc.

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