Strange results in master..syslogins

  • Hi,

    I've noticed something slightly strange in our syslogins table.

    When there is a password given, the entry for the password appears in the language column, the language appears in the denylogin column and so on, with each colum having the value of the column before it, until the value of the last column - loginname - is excluded from the table because it has the value of the bulkadmin column in it.

    When there is NO password associated with the login, all the values for all the columns appear in their correct columns.

    I've run this a couple of times and it is not a one off.

    We use SQL Server 2000 SP3 on a Windows Server 2000 platform.

    I'm just using a straight query:

    SELECT * FROM master..syslogins.

    I am slightly puzzled to say the least. Has anyone else noticed this? Is it just me?

  • i've just run the same query against our production server and get similar results !!!!!!!!!! I await a sensible explanation of this 'feature'. I am sure Microsoft will say upgrade to Yukon !

  • Well I guess it's not just me then, so that's something!

    Makes querying the table a bit of a pain though, I believe a trip to Microsoft's SQL Server page may be in order...

  • Wow, I never noticed that. That's rather interesting and I have confirmed on  multiple servers.

    This "bug" does make the search for blank passwords much easier

  • select on the master..sysxlogins table the password should be in the right place 

  • Good point and very true.

    Problem is though is that that table doesn't have all the information that I want...

    Still, never mind...

  • I think it's something in the character representation of the password that causes QA to throw a column when in GRID mode.  When in column-aligned (CTRL-T) mode it lines up ok. 

    Also, by specifying all columns (instead of *) and "convert(varbinary(128), password)" instead of "password", they line up ok in both modes.

    The thing that all my encrypted passwords share is the 0x0100 prefix.  If I do a...

    SELECT convert(sysname, 0x0100),  * FROM master..syslogins

    ...I get even wackier grid mode results.



    - Mark

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