Strange - Named Pipes Failure SQL 2005 SP2

  • I am trying to chase down a strange issue that occurred on one of our production servers.  Suddenly the server stopped recieving requests on the named pipes connection.  Here are the symptoms...

    1.  There's nothing in the logs that indicate a failure other than the logging of the failed connections.

    2.  SQL Configuration Manager showed the named pipes setting as "disabled". 

    3. According to the SQL Server logs, it was started and listening to the named pipes connections just fine.

    4.  The server is a multiprocessor AMD X64 box.

    5.  The only strange thing I notice in the logs is that it cannot use Large Page Extensions because the lock pages privilage is not granted.

    6.  There are no visible crashes or crash dump files for the time the server started refusing connections.

    7.  I'm running

    Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3042.00 (X64)

    Anyone else have this issue?

  • do you have AWE enabled? also see if you can disconnect and reconnect via management studio.

    i just had a problem where i couldn't connect by management studio, got a similar error and had to restart the WMI service to fix it.

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