storedProcedure numeric parameter becomes int

  • HI,

    i have a table with some numeric columns, and a stored procedure to do inserts

    when i pass the string to exec it is a number (18.50) when it is inserted

    it is an int that has been rounded down, if i try to specify p,s on the parameters

    of the sp it gives an error, so how do i get round this? should i use varchar and

    hope sqlserver does the right thing for me?

    by the way the software that is using the procedure isnt able to create parameters

    it just creates a string and runs it, so i can use .net type parameter creation

    Any ideas, im confused by it!


  • Russ

    I'm not clear exactly what you're trying to do - what is the T-SQL that you're running? It may also help if you give us the table and SP definitions.



  • Unless it's impossible for some external reason, your stored procedure's parameters should always be of the data type that you're attempting to manipulate within the database. So, instead of a varchar, you should define your parameter as a decimal:

    @Parm decimal(8,2)

    But if you can't, then instead of relying on SQL Server to "get it right" you should use the CAST statement within your procedure to fix the data yourself.

    CAST(@Parm AS decimal(8,2))

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • sorry to waste everyones time.

    it was late and i hadnt had enough coffee.

    i couldnt get @weight numeric(6.2) to work as an input parameter

    because it needs a comma 6,2 not a dp 6.2



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