Stored Procedure Help

  • I have a table @CJPercentages that's populated like this in my stored procedure:

    ID LowerLimit UpperLimit Percentage Rate


    1 0 999999999 200 0

    2 0 50 350 10

    2 50 100 400 5

    2 100 999999999 500 0

    And another table @TempPlaySUM:

    PlayDate ActualHold CJShareID


    04-12-2007 400 1

    04-12-2007 -100 2

    04-12-2007 85 2

    In my stored procedure I am trying to join these tables and pretty much have an end result like this:

    PlayDate ActualHold Percentage FixedRate


    04-12-2007 400 200 0

    04-12-2007 -100 200 0

    04-12-2007 85 400 5

    But, the row with the negative ActualHold isn't showing up in my resultset. Now I'm stumped at how to join the tables to carry over the negative values of the ActualHold. The ActualHold has to fall between the LowerLimit and UpperLimit for the CJShareID. If the ActualHold is negative I want to default the Percentage to 200 and the FixedRate to 0. Here is what my Join looks like:

    INSERT INTO @TempPlay (PlayDate, PaytableName, LegalConfigNumber, SkinName, Denomination, EPSName, TotalBet, TotalWin, Configuration, ActualHold, TheoreticalHold, ZoneName, CJPercentage, FixedRate)

    SELECT p.PlayDate, p.PaytableName, p.LegalConfigNumber, p.SkinName, p.Denomination, p.EPSName, p.TotalBet, p.TotalWin, p.Configuration, p.ActualHold, p.TheoreticalHold, p.ZoneName, ISNULL(b.CJPercent, 200), ISNULL(b.FixedRate, 0)

    FROM @TempPlaySUM p LEFT OUTER JOIN @CJPercentages b ON p.CJShareID = b.CJShareID

    WHERE (p.ActualHold > b.LowerLimit) AND (p.ActualHold < b.UpperLimit)
    GROUP BY p.PlayDate, p.EPSName, p.PaytableName, p.LegalConfigNumber, p.Configuration, p.SkinName, p.Denomination, p.TheoreticalHold, p.ZoneName, p.TotalBet, p.TotalWin, p.ActualHold, b.CJPercent, b.FixedRate

    Where am I going wrong????

  • The section "WHERE (p.ActualHold > b.LowerLimit) AND (p.ActualHold b.LowerLimit) AND (p.ActualHold < b.UpperLimit)

    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • Thanks for your help Carl. I've been looking at this query and modifying it numerous times over the past 3 days and got stuck on that....ahhhhh!....Thanks again!

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