Stored proc Logging

  • I have 7 stored procs, their execution time varies from 5sec to 40sec. Actually 1 stored proc calls the other 6 procs in it. So, is there any method to log these 7 stored proc timings?? these are being called from an application. I want to log their execution timings to a it possible?? Pls advise me...

    Thank you

  • Are you running it stand alone in testing? You could just add select getdate() before each call. Or you could add some inserts into a table before each call that adds timing information.

  • hmm yeah....may be I will try this....Thank you

  • This will not log the results to a table, but in a test environment you could manually determine the running time by using SSMS and running a series of tests

    set statistics time on;

    -- test using each of the 6 called procedures by properly invoking that single calling procedure

    EXEC yourmaincallingproc,

    set statistics time off;

    This will produce time information for each test in the messages tab of SSMS:

    SQL Server Execution Times:

    CPU time = 5 ms, elapsed time = 2108 ms.

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • this is not for the test environment.....for production...testing everything was fine...but in production, somethimes they take long to finish may be I will log to a table with getdate()

  • You could also fire it with and have it show the actual execution plan, that might give you some insight as well.

  • Sure, you can use SQL Profiler to log the durations on the stored procs. Use RPC:Completed or SP:completed event and check the duration there.



  • ssismaddy (3/9/2009)

    I have 7 stored procs, their execution time varies from 5sec to 40sec. Actually 1 stored proc calls the other 6 procs in it. So, is there any method to log these 7 stored proc timings?? these are being called from an application. I want to log their execution timings to a it possible?? Pls advise me...

    Thank you


    If you use SQL Agent to run a scheduled job for the top sp, you can ask the scheduler to create a log file. (See under STEP, Advanced).

    In my "top" SP, I have these PRINT commands that will appear in the LOG file created by the scheduled job.


    PRINT '----------- FINISHED 1.3: ETL_YYY: ' + ' ----------- @ ' + convert(varchar(19), getdate(),120) + ' --------------------------------------------'

    EXEC dbo.usp_DW_AuditLogAdd 4, 1, 'ETL_XXX'

    PRINT '----------- FINISHED 1: fmr ETL_Main : ' + ' ----------- @ ' + convert(varchar(19), getdate(),120) + ' --------------------------------------------'

    PRINT '----------- START 2: ETL_OrderLineFiles : ' + ' ----------- @ ' + convert(varchar(19), getdate(),120) + ' --------------------------------------------'

  • ssismaddy (3/9/2009)

    I have 7 stored procs, --I want to log their execution timings to a it possible?? Pls advise me...

    Thank you

    To write to a table, you may create a sp that does logging into an audit table. This has a field called "TimeStmp" with a constraint - default of getdate().

    Use the sp before/after each of the 6 "steps" to record timing and a description as

    EXEC dbo.usp_DW_AuditLogAdd 1, 2, 'ETL_XXX'

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_DW_AuditLogAdd]








    INSERT INTO dbo.admin_JobAudit


    JobID, StepID, Step








    END --proc

  • ssismaddy

    So, is there any method to log these 7 stored proc timings??

    I am going to assume that you are attempting to determine the long running instances of those multiple SPs and then attempt to improve that performance - in other words do some Performance Tuning. If indeed this is your ultimate goal may I suggest that you evaluate what Performance tuning tools are available in Books On Line - starting with

    SQL Server 2005 Books Online (November 2008)

    Tools for Performance Monitoring and Tuning

    and / or

    SQL Server 2005 Books Online (November 2008)

    Monitoring Events


    SQL Server 2005 Books Online (November 2008)

    SQL Server 2005 Tools and Utilities Reference Overview

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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