Store Exec result in a variable

  • Hi,

    I am wondering if anyone can help me please. As part of a bigger picture I am trying to store a Variable (the SQL server version) so I can choose which script to run against the server. Here is the extract of code to get the server version (which works) but I want to store the result in a variable "@results".

    Any help would be much appriciated.



    declare @cmd nvarchar(1000),

    @SQLCommand nvarchar(1000),

    @results nvarchar(100),

    @ServerName sysname

    Select @ServerName = 'sql-001'

    Select @SQLCommand = '''SELECT SERVERPROPERTY(''''ProductVersion'''') AS [Product Version]'')'

    print @SQLcommand

    set @cmd = N'SELECT * FROM openquery ([' + @ServerName + '],' + @SQLCommand

    exec sp_executesql @cmd

  • This should do:

    DECLARE @result nvarchar(4000)

    DECLARE @tResults TABLE (

    ProductVersion nvarchar(128)


    INSERT @tResults

    EXEC('SELECT CAST(SERVERPROPERTY(''ProductVersion'') AS nvarchar(128)) AS product_version')

    SELECT @result = ProductVersion

    FROM @tResults

    SELECT @result

    Hope this helps,


    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Hi Gianluca,

    thanks for the post it has pointed me in the right direction.:-) I have amended the code slightly to fit in with the rest of my script.

    Many Thanks

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