stepping into sprocs with VS2005, what to use for a bit datatype?

  • im sure this is the wrong forum, but didnt see a more relivant forum, and this one gets the most hits!

    Im trying to step through a sproc using Visual Studio 2005. this works fine, but if the sproc expects a bit datatype, and i type a 1 or 0 , it says it cannot convert and wont step into the sproc.

    Ive tried with quotes around the 1 and 0 also but to no avail. what do i type into VS2005 where it expects a bit charachter as input to a sproc?

  • you could try 'true' or 'false'. I don't know if this will work but...

  • Cant believe I never thought of trying that. Thanks a mil, that worked a treat!

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