SSRS: Set a default for "Text Box Properties"

  • I am relatively new at using SSRS (with Visual Studio 2013). I will be building several reports that look like spreadsheets and which have about 30 columns of data. The report of course has column headings, subtotals, and grand totals for each column.

    I want to each field to have an outline border, each column heading to have an outline border, and each subtotal and grand total to have an outline border.

    I know that I can highlight every item, one at a time, and right-click on it to set the "Text Box Properties" and then click on "Border" and then click on "Outline" and then click on "OK".

    Since this will amount to hundreds of clicks, is there any way that I can set a default for the "Text Box Properties" to have outline borders?

    Thank you for your help.

  • Press F4 to ensure the properties window is displayed. Highlight all the fields and then change the borders in the Properties Window - Border Color, Border Style, Border Width.

  • Thank you for the answer. I'm sure this will apply to lots of similar issues.

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