SSRS Matrix 2005 - PErcentage of Total for One of Cell Value Issue

  • Pls help me with my below issue.


    I developed SSRS 2005 Matrix Report.

    In one of the Rows in the Matrix, First Rows Represent Percentage of Subtotal of Second Rows's Value.In my Matrix , total i have 4 Rows, one of Row need to show a Percentage of Subtotal of Another Row.

    How can i Referencethat Row Values / Matrix suntotal Values Like that ?

    Below is formate of my Matrix SSRS 2005 Report.

    Jan Feb March

    Mumbai 48% 51% 41% <---Represent of Second Row - Bangalore Percentage of Subtotal

    Bangalore 135 192 197

    Delhi 149 185 278

    Total 284 377 485

    How can i reference, One Cell Value from other Cell's and Subtotal for the Percentage Calculation in SSRS 2005 Matrix ?

    Let me know if need information.


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    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
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  • Write this code in EDIT EXPRESSION of the percentage textbox.

    =iif( inscope("matrix1_Prd_grp"),

    IIF(ISNOTHING(Fields!ACH_VAL.Value), 0, IIF(Fields!TGT_VAL.Value=0, 0, (Fields!ACH_VAL.Value/Fields!TGT_VAL.Value)*100 )),

    IIF(ISNOTHING(sum(Fields!ACH_VAL.Value)), 0, IIF(sum(Fields!TGT_VAL.Value)=0, 0, (sum(Fields!ACH_VAL.Value)/sum(Fields!TGT_VAL.Value))*100 ))


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