SSRS Configuration

  • Hi All,

    I have just installed SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard on a Windows 2008 64bit virtual server. I have configured Reporting Services and I can now reach the root folder at http://<server_name>/Reports (when I connect from the server). I can add folders, change security etc.

    My problem is no matter what access I give I cannot access the report server from outside the server i.e. a client machine on the same domain. It is seeing the server but brings up a login box as if I dont have the correct access rights. However even if I try to connect with the same user that Im logged onto the server with it still wont let me in so I dont think its access rights related.

    Any suggestions greatly appreciated!



  • name/reports should do it.. If I remember correctly using the ip address usually forces a login.

    I seem to remember that sometimes the first time you connect a login box appears, there after everything is fine - I have all my ssrs boxes on shortcuts and favourites so can't test a new connection.

    Just checked from another server and name/reports or name/reportserver just connects.

    I not long ago built a SSRS server and can't remember anything that can catch you out. I did make sure I had all the services running as domain accounts.

    Could it be that your underlying o/s is blocking access - can you rdp to the server? can you connect to the reportserver and sql server using SSMS from another machine.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • Hi Colin,

    Bingo! It's fixed. When you mentioned a domain account for the services I had a thought. I also have this running under a domain account but when I googled it a bit more I found people suggesting the use of Netwrok Service. This works perfectly. I still need to find a way of running it under a domain account for internal policy reasons but at least I'm on the right road now.

    Thanks for your help!


  • Please paste the error.


  • There is no error. It just brings up a logon box and fails to connect. Eventually it will bring up a white screen.

    Found this link

    Have followed the steps but still having the same issue. Maybe my DC needs time to sync or something

  • Have u checked the IIS Authentications?....


  • I thought 2008 doesnt use IIS?

  • Perect timing - I hit exactly this yesterday and was hunting round for a solution. It is in fact fully documented in BOL and it describes several options:

    It happens when SSRS is running under a domain account and no SPN has been set up.

    I tool the route of foring NTLM authentication by editoing the RS config files as descibed in the link.


  • Thanks for the link! I removed WindowsNegotiate from the RSReportServer config file and it works! Question is... is it ok to use NTLM instead of Kerberos? Must admit I dont know much about that subject...

    Thanks for all the help guys

  • When you get a definitive answer to that one please let me know.


  • You will need to use Kerberos if you require a double hop. If you do then only Kerberos can provide the pass through credentials. Kerberos is a big beast and can give you a lot of headache figuring out the actual errors.

    A double hop could be you are accessing from wkstation1 connecting to your Rptserver (hop 1) which then needs to go and connect to your sqlsever (hop 2). This type of scenario comes about when your data source is configured to use windows authentication. This means the account logged in on wkstation1 also requires permissions on your sqlserver database. This may or may not be a business requirement. Alternatively you can set yor datasources to use a SQL server authentication account however this does reduce your security.

    I hope this has help shed some light on using Kerberos.

    MCITP Database Admin 2008
    MCITP Database Admin 2008
    MCITP Database Dev 2008

  • Thanks for the kerberos explanation - I had met the "double-hop" problem before with linked servers but not applied it to this problem. I will check up on data source credentials, I think they are using SQL logins as very few Wiondows acounts will have direct access to the db.


  • hmm interesting - I'm running under domain accounts but our datacentre don't support Kerberos so I don't know why it all works for me to be sure. I made no chnages to any config files or anything. The box also has sharepoint but I added that after Reporting Services. Grateful for the links though I have added this to my docs just in case I have future problems.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

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