SSRS [BC30201] Expression Expected

  • I received this error today and spent a great deal of time trying to figure out what was causing it. Luckily my report is only 70 columns wide, which made the process faster (sarcasm implied). After about 2 hours of digging I found the error. I was attempting use an expression to determine the columns visibility and I had double equal signs like this...

    "==iif(Sum(Fields!ForeclosureTypeBreakdown.Value, "FMTParameters") = 3 ,false, true)"

    I also discovered that the same error will be given if you do not have a value to compare to in your if, like this... (the " = 3" is missing and the double "=" is fixed)

    "=iif(Sum(Fields!ForeclosureTypeBreakdown.Value, "FMTParameters"), false, true)"

    This is the full error that I received: "The Hidden expression for the table 'table1' contains an error: [BC30201] Expression expected."

    It would have been nice if MS could tell me what column or row was causing the error. Although if they did, I would have two free hours. Thanks MS!

    I am using MS visual studio 2005 version 8.0.50727.867.

  • in the second expression you are missing the =3 section from your IF statement so it is not able to evaluate the outcome, if you add this back in do you still get the error?

  • Yes is will work when the "= 3" is put back.

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