• I have a group section(say gs) which points to dataset say A(for instance). I want two tables in gs where table tblA(say) points to dataset A and table tblB(say) points to dataset B, because i want the layout like this,such that for a single person 1row from tblA and 1 row from tblB should come together, can this be achieved. Please help

  • Unfortunately only one dataset per data region (table/matrix). You might be able to get the results you want by combining the datasets into one and using the grouping properties in the data region.

    edit: replaced tablix with table/matrix. forgot i was in 2005. 😀

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  • I hope I've understood this right...I'm don't use SSRS much...

    Could you create the second table as a subreport and add that to the first table then filter the this based on a field in in the main report table. I guess it depends on the volume of data your processing as to have efficient this would be.

    I've used this lookup technique to join data from two seperate datasets in 2005 prior to the lookup function being introduced in 2008 R2.

  • The sub-report should also work. Like most anything with sql there are several ways to get there. The trick is picking the most efficient route.

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