SSRS 2008 Report Parameters for user input

  • I created a report with a date picker. The report works fine when manually running. My question is when I go to automate the report with the subscriptions. When I add the schedule the last option is to add the parameters in the schedule before I can save the schedule. How do I make the subscription not ask me for the parameter values when creating the schedule through the subscription.

    Im trying to have this report sent out automatically and have the user input the dates from the date picker added in the report when they receive the link through email.

    Thank you much appreciated for help

  • I don't believe you can do what you are asking/wanting. The scheduler is going to create the report based on the parameters you supply when setting up the subscription. The file that will get placed on your network or emailed (in your case), is a completed report.

    If you want the user to change the parameters, they would need to access the report through their web browser on the report server. It will then operate as it does in report writer (what I use to create my reports).

    Hope that makes sense.


  • Yes is makes sense, So I tried to add my own link into the subscription which i can use the date picker but when the link is sent out to the user the date picker is gone and is only taking what was added into the subscription.

    Basically in creating the report I added a SQL statement and need the user to be able to select there date range are you saying that you know of there isnt any way of that you know of to have the subscription automated and sent out weekly monthly etc...with a date picker for the user?

  • Correct, I have not seen anything like that. they can log on to your report server instance and run it from there if that is an option.

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