SSRS 2005 Report generation

  • HI,

    I want to avoid showing the column name of the column which is not having any value.

    For ex,

    EmpId Name Phone





    In my SSRS table type report I'm getting the Phone column name and no value. I do not want to show this(Phone) column if it is not having any value.

    Let me know how to do this.

  • Why don't you simply filter the NULL values from your dataset? I guess we need to know how your dataset is populated. SQL Query or a Stored Procedure?:cool:

  • OK, If the example you showed was the report, abe the word "NULL" is visible on the report. In this case, you can use a change it based on a condition. like this:

    =iif(Fields!Phone.Value = "NULL","",Fields!Phone.Value)

    Something like this in the detail cell that prints the phone number would print a blank.

    Is that what you wanted?

  • Select the complete column and go to the hidden property in properties tab. Set the Hidden property to true.

  • Basically i do not want to show a column which is having null value. In my example i don't want to show the 'Phone' column (not even the name of the column) if it is having all null values.

  • You can set the hidden property of the Phone TableColum (select the entire column, not just the header or detail cell) to an expression:

    =IIf(CountDistinct(Fields!Phone.Value) = 0, True, False)


  • Hey Thank you very much it worked 🙂

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