SSMS hang/unresponsive

  • Hi

    We have currently set up a new SQL Server cluster with SQL Server 2008 with service pack 1. When we connect to the server we are experiencing a hang in SSMS, and the process in question are the smss.exe process. We also get a notification message in the system tray saying:

    " is Busy. Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio is waiting for an internal operation to complete. If you regular encounter this delay during normal usage report this problem to Microsoft".

    We are quite baffled by this since this is a brand new cluster. When we try to access ssms again everything works fine.

    Is this a typically issues that's only related to the gui or is this typically the result of some more serious issues with the installation?


  • This could be one of a thousand different issues. You really have not given us enough information to go on. Are the databases large and set to auto_close? Are the resource group(s) associated with SQL on the cluster all available? Does the hardware meet the minimum requirements to cluster SQL? Have you checked the Windows or SQL Event logs? Are you getting any error messages? Does SSMS eventually "un-hang?"...

    - Tim Ford, SQL Server MVPhttp://www.sqlcruise.com

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