SSIS package version history

  • With DTS packages, previous versions were kept and you could "roll" back to any of the previous versions of the package when you opened it up. I've been working with SSIS for over 3 years and have had occasion to wish there was that function in SSIS. Does anyone know if that facility exists, hidden somewhere in SQL Server? Source Safe is too cumbersom to use. Do we need to start using some sort of versioning software wrapper around SSIS? And if we do, does anyone have a name to direct me to?

  • SSIS does not provide this functionality and I have seen no plans to introduce it.

    You mention sourcesafe, I'll enlarge that to any SC system, I have used VSS and TFS with SSIS packages for years with no real hassle, it isn't quite the same as DTS where you have a copy of the package EVERY time it was saved but I tended to check in milestones.

    Sorry man.


  • T hanks. I was expecting this reply but hoping someone had found a secret MS was holding back on. I wonder if there is a need for this function. Could possibly be a niche market for a supporting package.

  • jnichols-797753 (11/30/2011)

    T hanks. I was expecting this reply but hoping someone had found a secret MS was holding back on. I wonder if there is a need for this function. Could possibly be a niche market for a supporting package.

    I'll second Elliott on this.

    But what would be really great would be an effective way of differencing two packages that are under source/version control.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Phil Parkin (11/30/2011)

    jnichols-797753 (11/30/2011)

    T hanks. I was expecting this reply but hoping someone had found a secret MS was holding back on. I wonder if there is a need for this function. Could possibly be a niche market for a supporting package.

    I'll second Elliott on this.

    But what would be really great would be an effective way of differencing two packages that are under source/version control.

    That would be great if SSIS didn't make so many changes to the underlying XML all the time it might be possible. Otherwise you'd have to have something crawl the object model and compare it at every object and property. I know I have zero desire to code this.. As far as niche market, I'm not really sure, the multiple versions saved in DTS was more an annoyance for me than a plus, I still treated the packages the same way I do with SSIS packages. When I hit a milestone I saved the package out and checked it into source control. I can only think of maybe 2 times I went back and worked with an earlier version. Perhaps this is just my working style, but I didn't really miss this feature.


  • I know I have zero desire to code this.

    That's more than I have!

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Elliott Whitlow (11/30/2011)

    Phil Parkin (11/30/2011)

    jnichols-797753 (11/30/2011)

    T hanks. I was expecting this reply but hoping someone had found a secret MS was holding back on. I wonder if there is a need for this function. Could possibly be a niche market for a supporting package.

    I'll second Elliott on this.

    But what would be really great would be an effective way of differencing two packages that are under source/version control.

    That would be great if SSIS didn't make so many changes to the underlying XML all the time it might be possible. Otherwise you'd have to have something crawl the object model and compare it at every object and property. I know I have zero desire to code this..

    That's exactly what I've done, but my SSISDiff tool compares only the most interesting objects (Execute SQL and Data Flow tasks) and only some properties (SQL commands, column names, transformations and types). Another consideration is that it's not super fast especially when comparing big packages because I didn't have time to do any optimizations on it. Though even with all these limitation it's quite useful when you need to see what changes exactly has been done to your packages from version to version. And yes it can be easily plugged in as a comparison tool to any SC system.

    Alex Suprun

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