SSIS package templates - question on how they work

  • Hi all, I'm new to SSIS. I've only previously used DTS (2000). I have a question (or two) about templates and was hoping one/some of the more experienced SSISers out there could throw me some answers:

    Maybe I'm missing the point here but, if I develop a standard package template (connections & variables), and then I develop a dozen packages based on that template, what happens if I suddenly discover that I need an extra variable in all my packages? I thought I could add it to my template and that would (somehow?!) ripple through to the dozen packages based on my template, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Am I doing something wrong? Am I misinterpreting some functionality of templates? Or have I just discovered the "ugly" side of templates?



  • petehughes247 (5/19/2010)

    Maybe I'm missing the point here but, if I develop a standard package template (connections & variables), and then I develop a dozen packages based on that template, what happens if I suddenly discover that I need an extra variable in all my packages? I thought I could add it to my template and that would (somehow?!) ripple through to the dozen packages based on my template, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Am I doing something wrong? Am I misinterpreting some functionality of templates? Or have I just discovered the "ugly" side of templates?

    The template is only used in the initial creation of an object, there are no lingering strings. What that means is that if you add a variable it will only exist moving forward on new packages you create from the template.

    As far as ugly side, I don't know of many tools that support templates that do what you are asking, there is jsut too much that could change to build that kind of functionality in.

    It is the unfortunate effect of using templates and one that I think most of use have had happen. What you end up doing is propagating those changes manually into the older packages OR deciding how bad you want that functionality in them OR documenting that you will make the change the next time the package is updated. I have done all of these. Most often I have fixed them and moved on, but later in the development project the latter two become more prevelant.


  • CEWII, thanks very much for the reply 🙂

    I suppose I should be grateful for the fact that my existing template is so basic, and that I'm still in the early stages (proof of concept) of the project and it won't take as much effort to re-create all my packages based on a new template (based on what I've learnt so far). Glad I found this out now though 🙂

    Much appreciated.


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