SSIS: How to call DTExec through xp_cmdshell in t-sql ?

  • Hi,

    I want to execute an SSIS Package stored in file system.

    exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell '""C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\dtexec.exe" /F "C:\Users\pujashah\Documents\New Package.dtsx"'

    I get following error:

    "Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility

    Version 10.0.1600.22 for 32-bit

    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved.


    Started: 6:42:40 PM

    Error: 2011-05-18 18:42:40.59

    Code: 0xC0011007

    Source: {0E519291-8D78-43A0-ADB0-5D8001AB8215}

    Description: Unable to load the package as XML because of package does not have a valid XML format. A specific XML parser error will be posted.

    End Error

    Error: 2011-05-18 18:42:40.59

    Code: 0xC0011002

    Source: {0E519291-8D78-43A0-ADB0-5D8001AB8215}

    Description: Failed to open package file "C:\Users\pujashah\Documents\New Package.dtsx" due to error 0x80070005 "Access is denied.". This happens when loading a package and the file cannot be opened or loaded correctly into the XML document. This can

    be the result of either providing an incorrect file name was specified when calling LoadPackage or the XML file was specified and has an incorrect format.

    End Error

    Could not load package "C:\Users\pujashah\Documents\New Package.dtsx" because of error 0xC0011002.

    Description: Failed to open package file "C:\Users\pujashah\Documents\New Package.dtsx" due to error 0x80070005 "Access is denied.". This happens when loading a package and the file cannot be opened or loaded correctly into the XML document. This can be

    the result of either providing an incorrect file name was specified when calling LoadPackage or the XML file was specified and has an incorrect format.

    Source: {0E519291-8D78-43A0-ADB0-5D8001AB8215}

    Started: 6:42:40 PM

    Finished: 6:42:40 PM

    Elapsed: 0.015 seconds"

    But when I run this :

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\dtexec.exe" /F "C:\Users\pujashah\Documents\New Package.dtsx"'

    in command prompt, the package executes without any error.

    The process is to generate data for each Id, then to create an excel file having name of Id. This generated data will be exported to excel by calling save ssis package in file system.

    Same process is repeated for all Ids.

    Please tell me where is the issue.

    Thanks in advance...


  • Puja Shah (5/18/2011)

    Error: 2011-05-18 18:42:40.59

    Code: 0xC0011002

    Source: {0E519291-8D78-43A0-ADB0-5D8001AB8215}

    Description: Failed to open package file "C:\Users\pujashah\Documents\New Package.dtsx" due to error 0x80070005 "Access is denied.".

    Could not load package "C:\Users\pujashah\Documents\New Package.dtsx" because of error 0xC0011002.

    Description: Failed to open package file "C:\Users\pujashah\Documents\New Package.dtsx" due to error 0x80070005 "Access is denied.".

    Sounds like it could be a permission issue

    Do you have a user in the master database which has execute permissions on xp_cmdshell

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  • Edited to remove wrong answer.

  • Thanks Welsh for quick response...

    I am executing the script from sa (SQL authentication).

    Can you please tell me what permissions are required for an sa user to execute xp_cmdshell ?

    One more thing, below query executes successfully:

    set @sql = ' exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ''copy "\\pujashah\folder\Final\Test.xls" "\\pujashah\folder\'+ convert(varchar,@project_id) + '.xls"'''


  • Puja Shah (5/18/2011)

    Can you please tell me what permissions are required for an sa user to execute xp_cmdshell ?

    One more thing, below query executes successfully:

    set @sql = ' exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ''copy "\\pujashah\folder\Final\Test.xls" "\\pujashah\folder\'+ convert(varchar,@project_id) + '.xls"'''


    You want to make sure that the account that you are executing this as has permissions to all of the resources that are being referenced.

    If you execute it as a Job then the SQL Server Service Agent Account needs the permissions.

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  • Thanks Welsh....

    You were right, it was permission issue. Package was being executed from "C:\Users\pujashah\Documents" location, that have limited permissions.

    Thank you again for Help....


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