SSIS Excel Data Source - Ignore Excel Sheets When Not There

  • Hello SQLers

    Does anyone know if it is possible to ignore an Excel sheet within a workbook, if it's not there ??

    I am maintaining an SSIS 2008 package which imports Excel workbooks data into a database. I want to NOT fail the package when the sheet is not present.

    I have tried setting the dataflow tasks 'FailPackageOnFailure' to false, the package still fails when the sheet in the workbook is not present.

    Anyone got any ideas ?? I also tried using an SQL statement to select the data from the workbook, but the package still fails.

    Any help would be highly appreciated.

    Many Thanks, BP

  • Examine the errors closely. You may be failing on connection manager validation and not the task. Also, you should be able to adjust the failure threshold (max errors) for the package or ignore the metadata. Hard to tell without the log. Check the fail package settings on each container up from the task and the connection manager itself, although, I'd caution against "on error resume next" type fixes.

    Sorry to be vague, but packages fail for lots of reasons. You really need to read the errors and warnings in the log to identify the problem source, and set the failure options on the source container if possible. Otherwise, you may need to run a code based pre-processor (script) to make sure the workbook is valid, and fix it if it's not.

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