SSIS Deployment Issue: Config file already exists

  • Please help

    Error204System.ApplicationException: Could not copy

    file "C:\LED\Config Files\STGETWO.dtsConfig" to the

    deployment utility output directory "C:\LED-ETL\LED-ETL\bin\Deployment".

    ---> System.IO.IOException:

    The file 'C:\LED-ETL\LED-ETL\bin\Deployment\STGETWO.dtsConfig' already exists.

    at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)

    at System.IO.File.InternalCopy(String sourceFileName, String destFileName,

    Boolean overwrite) at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Project.DataTransformationsProjectBuilde

    r.CopyFiles(ICollection fileNames, String outputPath)

    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

    at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Project.DataTransformationsProjectBuilder.CopyFi

    les(ICollection fileNames, String outputPath)

    at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Project.DataTransformationsProjectBuilder.CreateDeploymentUtility

    (IOutputWindow outputWindow)00

  • I started getting this "System.ApplicationException: Could not copy file ... to the deployment utility output directory " error too when I set my project to build the deploy package.

    Even though in my case every package has it's own config file.

    What was different in my project this time was that I'd included the config files in the Miscellaneous files in the project itself for easier editing and tracking.

    When I "excluded" all the config files from the project so they were no longer visible in the Project Browser, it built normally and created the deployment manifest.

    Seems like a bug, I have the latest SPs installed but this this any way.

    Hope this helps the next person.

    Skål - jh

  • Hi, I get the same error when I try to deploy my package. Could you tell how do you exclude the config files from the project browser?

    Thank you

  • I just had to right click on the config file and select exclude from project.

    The config files were still present on the hard drive, and the packages were using them.

    But for some reason having them visible as a part of the Visual Studio project was fouling things up.

    Everything worked as expected once the config files were excluded from Visual Studio, and they were copied along with the manifest during the build.


    Skål - jh

  • My config file is not in the solution explorer so I dont need to exclude it. I created and built this project in another pc , following every step that I have done and it successfully built. So, I wonder if there is something with SQL Server setting on my pc.

    Thank you,


  • Thanks, it did help...:-)

  • It works OK when you add the config file as a solution item.

  • Moving projects from machine to machine with shared config files is has become an issue for us too.

    Currently we move the solution between machines, and back and forth from the server, by using the deploy manifest and deploying into the local solution directory. SubVersion is our repository, so after updates we have to be very careful to double check the config path in every package.

    If anyone has a good process for sharing SSIS projects and using SubVersion, debugging them on servers, and shared config files between packages, it would be great to hear more about.

    much appreciated!

    Skål - jh

  • Well even in SSIS 2008 this is still a problem. We have a single config. file shared among a dozen packages so we can re-point them all at once.

    Due to project constraints, we are not able to use any other config. method for now.

    Has anyone found a way to build the deployment utility with packages that share a single config. file?

    Any hints welcome!

    Skål - jh

  • Hi All,

    Before deploying SSIS packages to other machine or the machine on which you get this error. Try searching the dtsconfig file using file search, You may find more than one copy of the config file present on that machine. Try delete the appropriate one which is not in use or you may need to revisit the package settings to check if you have not referenced the same config file from different directories in single solution.

    Recently the same thing happened in my project as well and on through analysis i found multiple copies of config files on my machine.

  • I had the same issue. It was due to, as noted above, a configuration file that resided in different directories. One package referenced one directory and another the other directory. This was a mistake and I probably would never have caught it had Visual Studio not complained.

    Thanks for the help.

  • still the same issue, but one thing that we need to remember is that when we add files into the Misc folder, when we are doing a deployment they go in first with the .dtsx files, and then the ssis build engine tries to include the config file, here it finds the issue of duplicate files.

    So, once we are done with the config file and placed it under Misc folder we can uncheck the ssis config option in the configurations and do the deployment and when we are running the package we can pass this file placed in Misc as the config file.

    This will solve the issue.

    EDIT: And also the Config file and the misc file should be pointing to the same location/ file. they should not be different.


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