SSIS 101: Object Variables, ResultSets, and Foreach Loop Containers

  • Great article Andy, thanks!

    I'm new to SSIS (2008) - last used DTS in SQL Server 2000 - oh man, what a change!!! :hehe:

    I have a series of SQL files that I would like to execute, and dump the resultset of each out to a different tab on the same Excel workbook. Sounds simple, but can I do it?! SSIS is just frustrating the hell out of me with it's counter-intuitivity (if that's such a word?!).

    It would be a great help if someone could point me in the right direction 🙂 please 🙂 I already have no hair left to tear out :w00t:


  • SOLUTION: I have already solved this issue.

    1) Load the data into a tempTable

    2) Load the file value to the MyObjectVariable

    3) After loading the object variable with the value read from the file I used a Foreach Loop to read from the object variable:

    - Enumerator -> Foreach ADO Enumerator

    - ADO object source variable -> MyObjectVariable

    4)Then using a script I compared the two variable values:

    - the row count from the tempTable (a simple count(*))

    - the value from the file retrieved with the previous step

    Hope this helps someone with the same issue.

    Any doubts feel free to drop a reply,


  • Andy, Thanks for the article. It is just what I needed. All of the SSIS books I have use the file enumerator in all of their examples and do not even touch on the looping through a result set which I think is much more important than a file enumerator. But anyway, thanks again and keep it up.

  • Thanks Andy! This is a very useful example!

  • Hi

    Excellent article, Andy.

    I hope someone is still watching this. I'm just upgrading from DTS and need all the help I can get...

    I want to eventually use this code for email scripts - taking values from the resultset.

    I've made everything work - and it looks just as in the article - with the green for the resultset and two yellows in the foreach loop. However, I only get the first value, as shown, but no iterations. What am I doing wrong..?

    Many thanks in anticipation


  • Hi Paul,

    How many rows are being returned by the query in the Execute Sql Task?


    Andy Leonard, Chief Data Engineer, Enterprise Data & Analytics

  • Hi Andy

    Thanks for your reply.

    Just the first one. I click OK, expecting to see the next one, but nothing happens...



  • Hi Paul,

    I still had the received response activated on this post and hope I can help out. For your problem verify that the loop variables are well mapped and that the values do change. You can do this by simply writing to a pop-up.

    Hope it helps,


    Bruno Pimenta

  • Hi Paul,

    If your Execute Sql Task is only returning a single record, that's all that will be displayed.


    Andy Leonard, Chief Data Engineer, Enterprise Data & Analytics

  • Hi Andy

    Thanks again for your reply.

    What I was hoping to be able to do was to buzz off a lot of emails by using the 'People' rescordset and iterating through all the email addresses by using an email variable as per your 'LastName'. Is this not possible - or am I misunderstanding how it works..?

    It was easy in DTS to create a loop and iterate through an address table and attach a list from another table to the body text. I'm really struggling to get my head around how it is done in SSIS 2008/10.

    Hi Bruno - thanks for your reply. The ability to use popups sounds great. How do I make them work..?

    Many thanks to both of you


  • Hi Paul,

    Andy has given the solution for the "one result" problem.

    As for the pop-up message I use it for debugging (sometimes it helps me understand). I use a script task in Control Flow view.

    1. drag a script task object from the tool box

    2. pass the variables that you want to see the result (read or write it does not matter)

    3. edit the script and the code in C# is as follows, just adapt for what you need. I included a string concatenation with the variable (VariableName) value because it can come in handy:


    public void Main()


    MessageBox.Show("YOUR MESSAGE: " + Dts.Variables["VariableName"].Value);

    Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success;



    hope it helps and feel free to ask 🙂

    I have registered very few SSIS contents in my blog ([/url]) if want to take a look it might have something to help you out.



  • Thanks, Bruno

    Yes, I can do that fine...

    Best wishes


  • Hi, I cant find the article. Would like to read it.

    Mean time, maybe someone can help. I am getting a result set from a query. into an object variable. I need to use it in a conditional expression. if the object has data, continue. If it NULL, end the job.

    objects cannot be used in an expression. Is there another way?

    One way was to put a SQL statement before this section that returned a COUNT, and then use that in the precedence contraint expression. But I'd rather not.

    Can it be done using the object variable?



    Ian Cockcroft
    MCITP BI Specialist

  • Excellent Article, is exactly what I was looking.

    Thank you, so much.

  • ianc-1096396 (9/8/2010)

    Hi, I cant find the article. Would like to read it.

    Mean time, maybe someone can help. I am getting a result set from a query. into an object variable. I need to use it in a conditional expression. if the object has data, continue. If it NULL, end the job.

    objects cannot be used in an expression. Is there another way?

    One way was to put a SQL statement before this section that returned a COUNT, and then use that in the precedence contraint expression. But I'd rather not.

    Can it be done using the object variable?



    I have the same basic question. How can I determine if the object variable contains no records after my execute sql task so I can end the package, throw an error, etc.

    Great article Andy.

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