SSIS – Transfer SQL Server Objects Debugged

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  • Thanks Steve, this was helpful that you debugged this down to the internal sql code.

    Karen Gayda

  • Refreshingly well written article....but this 'issue' has been present for a very long time (long before SSIS) in Enterprise Manager.  You can fall victim to its consequences, no matter how you script your database.

  • Hate to think how much coffee and hair pulling it took to weed this out

    Normal chaos will be resumed as soon as possible. :crazy:

  • There are a lot of other erros in this task. Microsoft told us, they will be corrected maybe in SQL2k8. thank you Microsoft!! Very helpful

  • GREAT debugging & documentation!

    I've seen this happen before in my databases and did narrow it down to renaming.  I just try not to rename things in Management Studio anymore.  From experience, I found it's more reliable to DROP & CREATE again.

    Did you submit this bug to Microsoft?

  • Yes, as a premier support customer we opened 2 Calls.  They know the error but they won't change it in the next time.

  • I've found that this is not the only task that has execution errors. I recently received SSIS training as well, and from a DBA perspective, everything worked great in class. When I got back to the office, the problems began. Specifically, the copy database task and the transfer login tasks did not do what they were supposed to do. I'll post more information when I get the time to gather the results.


  • A closely related issue exists with the sp_rename stored proc in SQL 2000. If you use sp_rename to rename a view (which Enterprise Manager and Management Studio seem to do under the covers), the view still retains its old name in syscomments. Scripting that view to a file (using Management Studio or Enterprise Manager) and then running the resulting script file will create the view with its OLD name.

  • caveat:  Good luck changing a system table in 2005

  • Super sleuthing. Thanks.

  • I ran into the same issue using Microsoft's SMO objects in C#.  I opened a case with Microsoft and they confirmed that there was a bug.  As you discovered, the problem is that when you rename an object whose definition is contained in sys.sql_modules the object gets renamed in sys.objects, but the source code is not modified in sys.sql_modules.

    Interestingly, the people responsible for SQL Server Management Studio have "fixed" the problem in their code.  Whenever you script a stored procedure through the right-click menus the new (correct) name appears in the script even though the old name appears in the sys.sql_modules record for that stored procedure.  Apparently, they rebuild the definition line up to the AS keyword and then concatenate the rest of the script from sys.sql_modules.  What a kludge!!!

    Why not fix the underlying problem?  When you rename an object whose definition appears in sys.sql_modules, replace the old name with the new name in the object definition script in sys.sql_modules!

  • From SQL server books online:

    Topic: Modifying and Renaming a Stored Procedure

    Note  Renaming a stored procedure does not change the name of the stored procedure in the text of the procedure's definition. To change the name of the stored procedure in the definition, modify the stored procedure directly.

  • hey that's really great both writer and package :).

    I used it and customized according to my needs but one thing where i am going to tuck is how i can transfer Table with all of its elements like defaults,constrains,clustered and nonclustered indexes , primray and without data , how i can generate script for tables this pkg only does for stored procedures and functions i try my best to do it through MS pakage but unable to it its internal bugg .

    Reply Soon ,

    Thanks in advance;)

  • Thanks for the article. I too have wondered about the 'features' that Microsoft has in their SSIS objects. I just completed my first large SSIS project and ran into similar (although different) problems. I had thought about doing an article similar to yours, but you beat me to it.

    I agree with your views on how Microsoft could release code for us developers to debug. Makes you really wonder about their QA staff and if they have anybody on the QA side that knows how businesses really operate.


    Mike Byrd

    Mike Byrd

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