SSC Points

  • As some of you may know, we had a bit of server trouble a little while back. In doing the emergency shuffle of the database servers in order to keep things running, a couple of the links between the forums and the main site got broken. In particular points weren't synchronising properly between the two. Restoring the link, when we noticed, wasn't too hard, but getting everyone's points correct again turned out to be a slightly more 'head-scratching' problem! Anyway, we think we've managed to get them back to the correct state, and correctly aligned between the forums and main site now, so if your points have changed significantly this morning, that will be why.

    If anyone's got any questions, or believes that something with this process hasn't worked correctly, drop us a line.

    And, before you ask, no, we didn't accidentally knock a million points off your account... 😉


    Mel HarbourProject ManagerRed Gate Software

  • I saw mine jump up; thanks!

    I got promoted as a result and I'm in the "Hall of Fame" now. only 17,000 more posts and I can be like

    Steve Jones 's ranking above 😀


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • My points on the home page and when in forums are totally different. I am down as old hand and 310 points on the home page :crying:

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  • Mine has little issues. within forum it says 1566 and on the main page it says 1569 points... difference of 3 points...

    Pradeep Singh

  • Silverfox (8/25/2009)

    My points on the home page and when in forums are totally different. I am down as old hand and 310 points on the home page :crying:

    Something certainly doesn't seem to be quite right! Doing a direct count from the database, you've made a total of 77 posts in the forums. This number is reflected precisely in the forum points on the main site. The main site also thinks you've answered 234 points-worth of QoD, but that information doesn't seem to have been carried back to the forums correctly, where it thinks you've only got a total score of 181.

    Do any of those 'sub-numbers' sound correct/incorrect to you? I will look into why they don't appear to be getting from SSC to the Forums correctly.


    Mel HarbourProject ManagerRed Gate Software

  • Thanks for looking into it, the points displayed on the home page is the accurate one. I spent some time recently just answering old questions last few days, to boost my level. then I saw that my points were not getting updated when i went into the forums.

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  • Sorry to double post. but I havent heard anything and my points havent changed and that was 2 days ago :ermm:

    Any info would be nice.

    Steve, I dont suppose there is a SLA in place on fixing points issues, is there. ya know like 100 extra points added to my account for each day gone by without a fix. or a free t-shirt perhaps :-P.

    free licensed redgate software wouldnt be too bad, I could be convinced as to how good it is :Whistling:

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  • Silverfox (8/27/2009)

    Sorry to double post. but I havent heard anything and my points havent changed and that was 2 days ago :ermm:

    Any info would be nice.

    Steve, I dont suppose there is a SLA in place on fixing points issues, is there. ya know like 100 extra points added to my account for each day gone by without a fix. or a free t-shirt perhaps :-P.

    free licensed redgate software wouldnt be too bad, I could be convinced as to how good it is :Whistling:

    Sorry about the slight delay - been tied up with a couple of other bits and pieces - should be getting onto it today!

    Free software, eh? Not sure just having points not sync-ing correctly is quite enough to qualify for that! 😉


    Mel HarbourProject ManagerRed Gate Software

  • Sorry about the slight delay - been tied up with a couple of other bits and pieces - should be getting onto it today!

    Free software, eh? Not sure just having points not sync-ing correctly is quite enough to qualify for that! 😉


    It is very stressful answering questions and helping others, you have no idea how much those points meant to me :-P.

    Well maybe the free software request was a bit of a stretch, after all my current client does use sql compare 8 and sql data compare 7.

    maybe I might have more luck badgering Steve for a freebie :-D, if you dont ask, you dont get 😉

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    [highlight]solve commonly asked questions[/highlight]

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help by Jeff Moden[/url]
    Managing Transaction Logs by Gail Shaw[/url]
    How to post Performance problems by Gail Shaw[/url]
    Help, my database is corrupt. Now what? by Gail Shaw[/url]

  • Have some more points! 🙂


    Mel HarbourProject ManagerRed Gate Software

  • Thanks very much, you missed the 1 in front of the 326 but that is ok 😉

    [highlight]Recommended Articles on How to help us help you and[/highlight]
    [highlight]solve commonly asked questions[/highlight]

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help by Jeff Moden[/url]
    Managing Transaction Logs by Gail Shaw[/url]
    How to post Performance problems by Gail Shaw[/url]
    Help, my database is corrupt. Now what? by Gail Shaw[/url]

  • Silverfox (8/27/2009)

    Thanks very much, you missed the 1 in front of the 326 but that is ok 😉

    Manual sync worked ok, now just have to get the overnight job that keeps the points in sync back up and working correctly. All a bit more problematic now that the databases live on different servers.


    Mel HarbourProject ManagerRed Gate Software

  • Weird. Just checked my account.

    I have 103 posts - looks OK.

    On question of the day I also get 103 but the breakdown shows 111.

    The total is then 206 not 214.

  • jfmccabe (8/27/2009)

    Weird. Just checked my account.

    I have 103 posts - looks OK.

    On question of the day I also get 103 but the breakdown shows 111.

    The total is then 206 not 214.

    Yes, you're quite correct - and you're probably not the only one where that's a problem. We record the fact you've answered questions separately to the aggregated record of points in order to speed some of the queries up a bit. Up to now, I'd been assuming that the two were in sync. Evidently not the case. Shouldn't be too bad to fix though.


    Mel HarbourProject ManagerRed Gate Software

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 42 total)

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