SQLServerAgent AD Account

  • Currently our SQL server is starting the sqlserveragent service as the local system account. Due to inadequate local disk space we are changing our backups to a folder on a separate server.

    I am planning on having this be a domain account with access to the target destination and local user rights (not admin) on the sql box. I want to have this be as restrictive (yet functional) as possible.

    Aside from the obvious upgrade to 2005/08/R2 or drop in another drive am I on the right track and is there something I missed?

  • Please realize that backups are a command sent to the database engine and the DB engine performs the backup file writes, not the originator of the backup command. Therefore the SQL Server service account will also need access to the remote share. The Agent service account will need access in order to delete old backup files.

    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • Carl,

    Thanks, I mentioned in the original "I am planning on having this be a domain account with access to the target destination"

    I think this addressed your comment. As long as <AD account for SQLAgent> has full rights to <UNC\Share> and local user rights I think I am in good shape.

    Is it possible that I may not even need login permissions on the local machine?


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