• I have problem on my w2k server post SP4,MSDE SP3 .

    I start sqlmangr.exe, and do any mouse click on the form and it disappears.

    Actually, I don't even need to click! Just moving the mouse over the form causes it to disappear sometimes without an error message or anything,

    but usually I get Error message: "sqlmangr.exe has generated errors and will be closed by Windows.You will need to restart the program"

     It even disappears if I move the mouse over the system tray icon.

    Any suggestions?

  • Not sure this is the right one but, first, I'd event log to find out why it is doing that or get any error message and also check the disk space and then check the virus.

    you might want to check this out as well. http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=814064 Not exactly the same problem but might be related.

    Good luck

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