SQL7 Upgrade to SP4

  • Hi Guys,

    I have been given an SQL 7 server to administer and it has no Service Pack.

    I would like to upgrade it straight to SP4.

    Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

    Are there any 'funnies' I should be looking out for?

    Your comments would be very much appreciated.

    Many Thanks


  • Upgrade to SP4 is a breeze - I've done it 4 times now (on separate servers).

    SP4 can be found at:


    Unpack and run it.  Note that if there is no password on 'sa' - the SP4 install will prompt for one - otherwise, it's just like any other SS7 install.

    Funnies:  It does take the database down and runs 8 scripts against master.  It takes us about 15 minutes to upgrade a server - YMMV.  Other than that, it's clean.



    -- Joe

  • To quote Microsoft

    'Because SQL Server Service Packs are cumulative, SP4 includes all fixes from previously released Service Packs, and can be applied to an original installation or to one where Service Pack 1 (SP1), Service Pack 2 (SP2), or Service Pack 3 (SP3) was previously applied.'

    I upgraded my SQL7 SP3 servers to SP4 with no problems and I installed MDAC 2.7 (cannot remember which way round I did it)

    The only thing I would mention is, do as I did,

    install on a test machine first and test your applications.

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Joe,David,

    Thanks for that.

    Is it wise to disconnect the server from the network whilst applying the patch?

    I have read that there may be issues when the server is put into single user mode (if you have, for example, a web application using the data).

    Thanks again


  • Doing the upgrade on a dev server first, and testing applications is good advice if this is a fresh machine and the applications have not yet run under SP4.  If this is the case, I would do this first on the crash-n-burn so there are no "surprise application problems" on deployment.

    As for the upgrade of the production server, it will be made unavailable during the upgrade, so prepare for downtime.  I would ensure no users are running on the server while the upgrade is going on.  After it's done, then let the kids back in the pool


    -- Joe

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