• Please forgive me if this is an inappropriate subject for this forum. I'm at a loss about how to pursue a solution to my problem. I recently purchased a book (The Guru's Guide to SQL Server Stored Procedures, XML, and HTML), to help me learn about XML in SQL Server. One of the first steps in implementing the code presented by the author, was to set up IIS. I attempted to do this, but was unsuccessful, as the install process asked for many dll's that were not present on my PC. I have XP Professional Service Pack 2. It was my understanding that IIS came standard on XP Pro. Apparently this is not correct. Perhaps someone with a greater understanding of this issue could steer me in the right direction. Once again, if this is the wrong forum for such a question, let me know.

  • When I install IIS on the servers, it asks about the location of i386 folder. It is normally on the CD so I copy the folder from the CD to the hard drive and use Browse button on the installation screen or just use Browse button and navigate to the i386 on the CD

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • Thanks for the Tip Yelena. I assumed that all files needed to install IIS were already on my PC. I'll try installing from the CD.

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